My party enjoyed going through this adventure. I used this as a quick stop for the party going through the Hoard of the Dragon Queen campaign. As the party is making its way by boat from Greenest to Baldur's gate it was an easy fir for a stop at the halfway point. I ended up dropping the elf ambush and made the adventure more role playing than combat. I plan on running the Murder in Baldur's Gate adventure once ther reach the city and wanted them to be comfortable navigating the urban setting where what and how they say things carry consequences. Banquet of the Damned can be played a number of different ways and if your PCs are like mine they won't follow the path of reasoning or logic you'd expect. Beacuse the scenario can be combat light I recommend making the demons tougher. The knowledge the PCs gather about the Deon Ash and it's explosive properties make it easy to replace the powder in the MatBG scenario. The adventure is eay to read and digest but loosely constructed enough to really make it your own without a lot of work. I highly recommend having this gem in your back pocket and you'll be able to insert it into your campaign.