Just brilliant. Had so much useful stuff in it. I only bought it for the stuff on evil nodes, but found great ideas on temples and their effects, side quests, character notes, etc etc. Definitely going to pillage this time and again.
I really liked this - though my players went the wrong way, I'm hoping they'll go back so I can use it!
I like the art style, the town descriptions and the overall design. Good job!
This, frankly, is genius. I only hope my players level up enough that I can use it. Otherwise, I might have to start a whole new party. Fantastic ideas.
Quick quality of life request - table of contents and hyperlinks, please!
Loved it! This is right up my alley - an amusing mini quest based on obscure lore.
Some quality of life notes though - a table of contents would be good, as would adding hyperlinks to forgotten realms for e.g. the Korred and Flail Snail for those of us who haven't heard of them before.
A rich resource. I'm not going to use it as intended, but will be cherry picking things out such as the character notes on Lord Neverember. Useful!
Cracking resource. Going to pick quite a few ideas out of here. Thank you!
Some good stuff in here. Didn't like the map style personally, but the writing is good quality.
Doesn't fit my campaign, but some good ideas I may cherry pick.
Superb stuff, loved it so much it inspired me to write my own side quest. Really nice layout (which I tried to mimic). Totally easily usable.
Super easy to use, really nicely presented. My players got their teeth into it. First ten are the best, IMO, but a great resource.
Excellent stuff, used it in my own publication (Quince, A Side Quest) for the Chasme statblock. Going to be picking out more for my main campaign, too.
I liked the layout and level of detail. Maybe some quick notes on the characters of the antagonists would have helped out.
I haven't played Elden Ring, but these trinkets are a going to be useful regardless. Some of my players have played Elden Ring, so I wonder if they will notice the source. Added value!
A very nice side quest I am going to build into my main questline. Good job!
Lovely little mini adventure. Looks nice and easy to use, too. Luckily, I have a character who's backstory is going to fit nicely into this, so it's going to get dropped into the campaign.