I enjoy traps and puzzles and believe that every dungeon worth its loot should include some, but I've always found the official ones to be bland, drab, and predictable. That's why this book was a game changer for me; suddenly, I had so many new ways to entertain my players, so thank you very much! The numerous traps and puzzles found in this book are well organised and cunning; it's extremely easy to discover something that matches no matter what the theme or circumstances within your adventure or campaign are, and I can't suggest them highly enough as a wonderful GM resource. It's simple to find something for any situation, and the ideas are fantastic! While the overall layout and artwork could use more polish, nearly every one of the pre-made traps will ensure that your gaming group has a nice time. Overall, a great supplement!
This magical tome is designed for tabletop gamers, specifically 5e players, who just love to adopt the cute yet deadly creatures that they come across during their sessions. The captivating graphics and user-friendly layout of the book bring each species to life, showing their distinct personalities in spectacular detail. The mechanics are well calibrated, providing a seamless experience for incorporating these exceptional friends and familiars into your travels. The rules are simple and easy to understand, allowing players to form meaningful ties with these beautiful beings. The mechanics like the additional rules, spells and feats, promote engaging gaming whether you seek a cunning mimic spawn or a knowledgeable floating skull. Overall, Zargoth's Tome of Familiars is a must-have addition to boost your RPG sessions to new levels of excitement and innovation and I recommend it to new and veteran DMs alike.
This compendium is an awesome book that all kinds of tabletop gamers, whether you're new or have played a lot, should definitely check out! It's got a bunch of cool stuff to use in your games, and I love the custom equipment, classes and races in there. My absolute favorite is the Pugilist class! Trust me, it's totally worth the money, and you won't regret getting it! The art and layout are amazing and, overall, the book is just so much fun! Highly recommend!
This supplement contains a collection of fantastic encounters with monsters based on cryptids and folklore. The art is amazing, and the layout makes sense. The monsters are balanced, and there is plenty of information provided, making it simple for the DM to run the encounters at the table. It also includes maps and cards, which make running these encounters much easier. Overall, a fantastic bundle if you enjoy supernatural stuff!
A truly terrific supplement including new player mechanics like an all-new class system, flavorful cultures and plenty of player options for those who dare to delve deeper into its fathomless pages. A Dead Man's Guide to Dragongrin is presented as a campaign setting that's chock full of detail, spanning multiple timelines to create the world of Dragongrin, a gritty and dark world that you can really immerse yourself and your players in. The book also contains new classes, spells, feats, NPCs and even a few adventures that can be dropped into your own campaign without having to tweak them too much, even if you are a new DM. However, some advanced mechanics - like the cruxes, for instance, may need a little bit more effort to adapt into your 5e game, since this edition of the game is a bit oversimplified (but I digress).
A lot of time and effort have gone into this whopper of a book - I've only managed to playtest a few things so far, incorporating them into a one-shot, but the Eloquent class was an instant hit at my table. Bascially, the new mechanics in this setting are well-balanced and provide plenty of fuel for roleplaying. Also, they go well with the tone and flavor offered in this book. All in all, I think this is one of the best settings, if not the best setting, for dark-fantasy gaming in D&D 5e.
The items in this book are so original and full of flavour and I feel that this is the kind of writing that 5E needs right now. These items add a whole new level and dimension to the game, by exploring folklore and mythology, which is something that needs to be done more, in my opinion. Reading this book gives you an appreciation of the unique culture of southern Asia and I definitely want to know more about it. I used a few of these items in a game I ran earlier today, and while the power levels felt a bit high when compared to standard fifth editon stuff, it was still balanced and logical - well suited for high magic play. The cover art and interior art are also gorgeous and the layout makes everything neat and organized. Almost every item has a hook or story in it, so you can craft plenty of encounters with this book.
Highly recommended for people who like magic items with background, flavour and utility!
My players have been clamouring for a nautical adventure for a while now and I have to say, the starter adventure was a blast. And just like the adventure this book has so much great content - different spells and classes and magic items and of course, ships. I particularly enjoy the variant rules around firearms, the feat for wearing less armour (which, in a setting like this, is super flavorful) and the aquatic dwarves. I always felt that the generic 5e spells that are water-themed are a little lacking in flavor, so this book explores it a bit further! One of my players was also super pumped to play the Musketeer (called d'Artagnan, of course!).
Overall, there's a lot of content to play around with and the creators definitely thought about nautical campaigns from multiple angles - the mechanical options are all well designed and make a lot of sense, while bringing some new things to the table. The maps, artwork and layout are all pretty neat and make navigating (sorry) the supplement a lot easier.
I would definitely recommend this book if you are interested in seafaring-themed campaigns.
My table was REALLY loving this book. The monsters are more gruesome/creepy than the ones in the official monster manuals and the world created by this book is rich in texture and sheer insanity. Also as an experienced DM, I find this book is great for my bosses as I have plenty of minions, but this gives me THAT monster - like the Table Mimic or the Dional Beast. The art is visually evocative and the layout is pretty neat.
Oh, and The Twisted Toymaker! Ideas for encounters and challenges just leap off every page in this book!
Overall I think this is great stuff. Highly recommend!
An amazing supplement offering versatile baddies for your table. The formatting of the PDF was pretty neat. The cover art is especially amazing and the art is great overall, and the lore provided is fleshed out well. The critters are fun and provide great campaign ideas. I would recommend this well put together and balanced bestiary to anyone looking to add some fantastic new monsters to their games.
This setting brings a lot of uniqueness to the table and the supplement is pretty great because it offers tons of solid worldbuilding elements. There is a lot of information on the setting and the elements of classical Greek mythology have been brought over into the framework of D&D 5E in a very creative manner, allowing other 5E sources like the Player's Handbook to work with the setting seamlessly. The unique flavourful twists on the races, the magic items, monsters and other setting-specific content are paired with some great evocative artwork to create a beautiful and informative book.
If you are looking to bring the wonder and epicness of Greek Mythology to your table, look no further!
This setting brings grit and darkness to D&D, with the added mechanics and dark, sombre tone. The extra crunch adds a level of sophistication and flavor to the game and the fluff matches the feel with unique subraces, magical items and equipment. It's perfect for people who want something different from the usual D&D gameplay at their table. The layout was well-organized though I feel that the additional of more art would help in setting a better mood and evoking the right themes by kindling the imagination of the reader.
Overall, this is a good setting, which can become great with a little bit of added production values like evocative art and supporting design.
This product delivers just what it says on the cover- tons of NPCs categorized by Friends, Foes, and Monster NPCs that are easily to drop into any game, thus saving effort and time. What really sets this book apart are the exhaustive yet easy to use tables in the back that allow you to assemble single or multiple NPCs focused on whatever flavor, attributes or intent that you need.
The supplement is well laid-out, making it easy to flip through and read, and just as easy to keep behind the DMs screen to pull out a well-fleshed out NPC to keep your players guessing if they are plot-critical or not. It earns brownie points for coming in a printer-friendly version too.
Highly recommend!
While the monsters and extra magic items presented in this tome have the creativity and flair of homebrewed creations, they appear well thought out and balanced for most encounters. I really enjoyed the flavor and story elements that the creatures offered. The idea of giant flying squids is definitely intriguing- now my players have a chance to be genuinely terrified! The artwork in the tome is fantastic and the stat blocks are convenient and accessible for any DM looking to throw new creatures at their players. Excited to see how these amazing creatures will play out in future games! I definitely got a lot of mileage out of the first volume and this one is even better!
Highly recommend!
Creator Reply: |
Thank you for the kind words. I am pleased that the content is coming across as well as I had intended. I would love to hear stories about your experiences using the Monsters in your Game Sessions. I am glad we improved upon the first volume and look forward to improving even more for the third volume. |
As a person with Nordic roots ( Finnish ), I was happy to see that this setting delivers the actual feel of the Norse mythos, instead of the diluted pop-culture Hollywood fluff. This is obviously because of the deep research that the author has gone into for this supplement. The setting is expansive although I feel that it needs some more crunch. The adventure chapters could have used more information on how to actually run them, like for instance, the transition between one chapter and the next. A little bit of narrative between one plot point and another would have been nice, especially for newer DMs. Although, with a little effort, running this adventure in this setting can be a flavorful and unique experience at the table for players and dungeon masters alike. In other words, this setting offers a new D&D 5e experience. This setting also does a great job with things like standard statblocks ( for the Gods ) and setting-specific rules ( like the brutal sailing rules ). This setting brings out the brutality and the esoteric nature of Norse Mythology really well ( like the Draugr battle ) with good writing, great art and vivid characters.
Overall, if you want to play a Viking and travel the Nine Realms for glory and adventure, this book is your #1 choice.
This adventure is a brutal, no-holds-barred throwback to the golden age of D&D. It plays really well with an engaging plot and a gritty narrative. The production values are pretty great too - the black-and-white art sets the creepy tone of the adventure along with the various add-ons. The layout makes the module easy to read and add clarity to the experience.
If you are looking for a great oldschool adventure, look no further!