A Solid One-Shot Dungeon Crawl: This is a no-frills short dungeon for Tier 2 characters, and judged by that standard, it won't disappoint. Its adventure hooks have enough flavour to be interesting, while being generic enough to allow the adventure to be dropped into almost any ongoing campaign. (I used it between chapters 3 and 4 of Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle.)
It presents a short dungeon, themed around the intersection of fey, undead, and insects. Encounters feature monsters that don't feel overused, and have good combat balance. The writing is clear and easy to understand. Relevant information is presented in intuitive places. Everything is workmanlike, which I mean in a positive way.
It's not perfect. The dungeon map may be convoluted, but the adventure is actually very linear, with few chances to hit encounters outside of the necessary order, and little in the way of optional areas. The backstory is confusing, but little of it is actually relevant to the adventure. Some of the module's best ideas are semi-wasted by being dependent on the use of specific adventure hooks or alternate conclusions. And though the boss monsters look like unique new creations at first glance, they turn out to be awkward reskins of existing Monster Manual staples whose abilities don't really fit their new appearances.
Still: it does what it does well, and it doesn't overstay its welcome. Those who want to push the boundaries of the 5E one-shot module should keep looking. But those who just want to keep their Tier 2 party entertained for a session between meatier outings will find everything they want here.
Additional advice: The module features quite a lot of incorporeal foes who resist non-magical standard weapons. Make sure every character has a reasonable option for attacking these, to avoid a frustrating experience for some players. Also, despite much talk about a special puzzle designed for a bard, the puzzle is unfortunately of the poorly designed sort that doesn't actually offer any interesting gameplay around it, and there's no substantive content for bards beyond merely checking if the class is present. Finally, a piece of design oversight means that almost every monster in the dungeon will be relying on their darkvision to see the players - except that the dungeon specifically notes that darkvision is magically neutralised within the area. Best advice is to ignore this business about darkvision not working and run the dungeon in accordance with whatever your normal policy on lighting and vision is. (A number of monsters that rely on shadows to be effective will also be rendered trivial if you encourage PCs to cast Light on every member of the group in this way.)