Very pleasant demo, the pages looks weird until you understand that you need to print the 4 pages on a single page in a two-sided way.
There is a character side with a mini character sheet and character generation rules. On the other side there are the basic system explanations and also the game cover. Each side also have a pic. Nice by the way.
I expect the game to come soon because what I read seems really logical and easy to work with. However there is nothing about combat or skills list and I really want to know how the system will handle that.
I've had a strange feeling when reading this over and over and I think that the name of the game has been wisely chosen: the gameplay is really like a fortune-telling scene like you see in a movie. The referee draws a few cards and gives a result then players can try to improve things with a few cards of their own. Very fun.
Gotta see more to make a final opinion and know if the game is a triumph, but "as a flyer" I agree that it's a success.