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B-Movie Title Generator $1.75
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B-Movie Title Generator
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B-Movie Title Generator
Publisher: Ennead Games
by Jeff [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/06/2024 09:51:44

I usually pick up several products at a time and when I bought this it was the first I dug into. And I wasn't disappointed. This product uses a number of tables to generate the titles for b-movies. Many seem weird and might require some imagination to make work. But many spark the imagination.

For a product that is creating a single background detail (what's on the movie marquee / what's playing at the theater), this product goes above and beyond.

I would add too, that I put the tables into an excel spread sheet and I use it to quickly and easily roll up the titles. It works well and it is easy to add to it.

my only (admittedly minor) complaint is that I would have liked to see some sci-fi elements separated.

I love pulling this out and showing non-gamers. It makes everyone smile.

Examples Trek to Mars! Queen of the Dragonflies The Amazons of the Necromancer

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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