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Star Trek Adventures Gamesmaster Screen & Player References + TNG & TOS character sheets
Publisher: Modiphius
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/02/2018 11:28:18

The screen itself does not have a printer friendly version and is a single image instead of being broken down by panel. The accompanying reference sheets are handy, but the complete package is overpriced at $20 since the screen itself is effectively unusable if you want to print it out.

Edit: now that a printer friendly version is part of the package I am amending my review. I still think it's a tad pricey at $20, but it's all good useful material now. The handouts are good player references, and the screen seems to have most of what a GM needs to reference in play.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Star Trek Adventures Gamesmaster Screen & Player References + TNG & TOS character sheets
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Creator Reply:
This is being update at the moment, we'll send an update which the printer friendly, per page screen is ready to download :-)
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