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The Frosted Prince
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The Frosted Prince
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Greg T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/13/2021 18:45:36

Town and Down for a Tier 3 Party:

The Frosted Prince isn't an ambitious module - but what it does, it does well. I ran this as the middle entry in a casual level 10-15 mini-campaign, and it met all my needs as a solid Tier 3 adventure that could be easily slotted into an ongoing game.

There are two things the module does particularly well. The first is to provide a traditional town-and-down dungeon expedition for Tier 3 players. Providing an appropriate challenge to characters in this tier can be tricky, but The Frosted Prince delivers enjoyable, scalable encounters that use interesting and iconic enemies in memorable ways.

The second is its use of Shadowdale. It's rare to get a glimpse of the Dales in the 5E era, but JVC Parry goes above and beyond as a continuity nerd to deliver what feels like an authoritative view of Shadowdale in the early 1490s DR. For those who care about these things, you'll find a Shadowdale that retains the feel of the classic Forgotten Realms location, while incorporating the (relatively obscure) events of the late 3E and 4E eras, plus input from Ed Greenwood himself on current events in the Dales. For those who don't care, you'll be glad to know that none of that continuity is required reading - it adds realism and detail to the backdrop, rather than driving the story.

The only complaint I have is that the parts of the adventure that aren't the dungeon are largely irrelevant. A significant part of the module is devoted to finding out where the dungeon is, through roleplaying encounters in Shadowdale - but it's blindingly obvious where the players need to go from the moment they reach the town, and, as written, you'll either need to jettison most of the roleplaying elements, or force the players into them in a way they're unlikely to appreciate. Nor are any of those roleplaying encounters particularly memorable or enjoyable on their own merits.

Nevertheless, The Frosted Prince is a worthy Tier 3 one-shot, and I recommend it.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Frosted Prince
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cody B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/03/2018 10:52:57

Very well done adventure. Well written and fun.

My only recommendation would be to ensure that the party does not get a long rest at any point during the adventure, otherwise, it will be much too easy. My party of four handled it with only two short rests. Many of the encounters are incredibly simple, but they stack up making it a challenge. I forced the lack of a rest by making the adventure time sensitive (the avatar was breaking free, and they could feel the tremors each time it hit the weakened confines of it's prison).

Still, I'll be purchasing from this publisher again!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thanks so much for the review! I'm glad you enjoyed it! I think that is an excellent idea regarding preventing the short rests. Another option would be to have the various groups involved (Banites, Zhentarim etc.) turn up and ambush the characters each time they settle down for a sleep.
The Frosted Prince
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Alex C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/17/2017 13:38:42

Ran this for some friends as a winter one-shot adventure and they had a blast! In the interest of time, I lopped off the first part (which provides a number of hooks and helps ground the adventure in the setting more strongly).

My group got straight into the action, with an encounter with some frosty trolls and winter wolves on the route to Castle Krag. The adventure felt like a fun little dungeon crawl, with a few lower-ranking 'miniboss' fights leading up to strenuous final boss(es). A blast of burning, necrotic hellfire put the fear of all the gods into my 14th-level party!

The players all complimented the adventure, which after cutting out the first bit still took a good six hours and filled out the day nicely.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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