The Alchemist’s Repose is a clever and inventive One Page Dungeon. The main feature that sets this OPD apart is the idea of programmable constructs. Littered about the dungeon are punch-cards that can be installed in various forms of construct (Armored fighting machine, Tooled repair bot, and a type of courier bot that can pass through magic fields unharmed). Depending on the type of construct and which of the 6 different punch-card programs are installed in said construct yields vastly different behavior and a multitude of possibilities and options. The dungeon itself is well layed out with 2 paths and some required retracing of steps. True to form for OPDs, the enemies are simple general concepts that you can stat according to your own needs and the ability of the party. Well thought-out and well-designed this is worth picking up to team with the excellent Maze Rats system for an enjoyable couple of hours of exploration for any experience level of player.