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On the Wall • A World of Adventure for Fate Core Pay What You Want
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On the Wall • A World of Adventure for Fate Core
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On the Wall • A World of Adventure for Fate Core
Publisher: Evil Hat Productions
by Björn L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/28/2021 13:31:56
Dystopian teenage super mutants - a Mephisto review

On the wall

What would happen if a part of humanity suddenly developed superpowers - that is the question that the Fate world On the Wall takes on, based on the comic of the same name. In the world of On the Wall, these super mutants are usually not the heroes who fight some super villains in colorful capes to the cheers of the population. Instead, the sudden appearance of superpowers has led much of the people to fear these mutants, so harsh laws have been introduced to control them. A central measure is that teenagers who develop these powers must visit special schools to learn how to harness their powers. This way, their powers should be kept in check. Of course, the player characters are such teenagers, who each have a single superpower (which doesn't necessarily have to be spectacular). The game offers a mix of superhero stories, dystopian governmental control, and teenage chaos.

Accordingly, the book provides a few simple rules for playing with superpowers and briefly introduces the world - though one gets the impression that it would help to know the original comics. From my point of view, On the Wall is a fascinating take on the superpowers theme, providing an exciting twist when mixed with the dystopian elements.

(Björn Lippold)

[4 of 5 Stars!]
On the Wall • A World of Adventure for Fate Core
Publisher: Evil Hat Productions
by DAVID B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/26/2017 03:59:01

Another "Teen angst, highschool sucks" game - (See monsterhearts, Young Centurions... (what is it with Evil Hat and pubescent 12-18 yearolds?.) . Now I am not, and never have been an American teenager. I have never been to a US High School. This is a game setting i'm frankly never going to use. The player buy-in from my mates is not going to happen.

Player Characters are teenagers segregated from a hostile and fearful "normal" society because of "superpowers" (which are SUPPOSED to be mostly lame).

The Gubmint is constantly watching them and can neutralise their powers and ship them off to boarding school for naughtiness.

The game is rated PG13 claiming to touch on drugs, teen pregnancy, eating disorders, spots, etc. but in the event all that is left to the GM.

On the plus side, the illustrations (which, I assume, are from the graphic novel of the same name) are nice and there are plenty of possibililies for good stories. The resented "control" of the Feds, the alienation from family and society etc.

This would work well as a convention game - especially for people who have read the book but for day-to-day play IMHO you'd need players with the maturity to handle the angst but who arent old enough to have forgotten their own school experience.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
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