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Runewild Preview 1: Missus Switch, Swine Witch $0.00
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Runewild Preview 1: Missus Switch, Swine Witch
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Runewild Preview 1: Missus Switch, Swine Witch
Publisher: Sneak Attack Press
by Timothy B. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 09/26/2022 08:52:26

Originally posted here:

This preview for the Runewild Setting is worth the time to download.

Runewild Preview 1: Missus Switch, Swine Witch

PDF. 8 pages. Color cover and interior art. Price: Free.

This small 8-page book (1 cover, 1 ad, 1 page of OGL) introduces us to the Ruenwild setting I reviewed last year.

We are given a little bit of background on the Runewild (coming soon to Kickstarter!) and the witches of the Runewild.

We are also introduced to the titular Missus Switch, something known as a "Swine Hag" (yes there are stats) and a small background "Adventure," actually an adventure location. Runewild is a hex crawl-friendly setting for 5e.

For free we get a good introduction to the Runewild and Missus Switch.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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