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CA1 Calidar Dreams of Aerie
Publisher: Calidar Publishing
by Brian D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/17/2018 09:11:46

This is a complete campaign in a very readable book. Bruce Heard takes the concept of a flying circus literally, and created a fantastic world within the Calidar campaign. The book is richly detailed, and very easy to navigate through.

While I am not knocking the larger Adventure Path compendiums in any way, Dreams of Aerie is able to accomplish many of the same things in a more compact format. I would compare this book to some of the late 1980's TSR Compilations such as Temple of Elemental Evil as far as taking characters from one stage of progression to another without trying to take you all the way from level 1-20 like the current Adventure Path format attempts to do.

Dreams of Aerie does have a plot, and several NPCs to drive said plot, but there is plenty of room for the game master to tinker away to customize as they see fit.

The generic system Calidar uses should be easy for most DMs to convert to 5E, Pathfinder, or other systems. If you're tired of dungeon crawls, but aren't sure you want a true city campaign, this a great option for you.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CA1 Calidar Dreams of Aerie
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CAL1 Calidar, In Stranger Skies
Publisher: Calidar Publishing
by Brian D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/06/2014 21:33:11

Bruce Heard knows what you want, and he gave it to you. Calidar picks up thematically where the Princess Ark story left off and goes in a whole new direction while keeping the spirit of the original series from his former employer. From a game standpoint, this setting is as full and vibrant as a setting could be "right out of the box." It only takes one read through the book to get a sense of where everyone is in relation to each other, and there are enough adventure hooks to keep creative DMs busy for a long time.

With the help of Ed Greenwood, the world is brought alive through a novella and a gazetteer. The setting keeps most races "Familiar" to the average gamer with a few twists here and there to keep things interesting. There are some coy references to his previous work for those who are paying attention, but they aren't intrusive.

While the book is a bit slim, it packs in a lot of detail in the space it does have. If successful, Mr. Heard has promised more, so please buy this so the rest of us can see this world expand.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CAL1 Calidar, In Stranger Skies
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