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Stars Without Number: Revised Edition
Publisher: Sine Nomine Publishing
by Jan T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/29/2022 15:23:51

A truly great game! It allows for a highly modular style of play where you can add rules for transhumanism, mechs, psuonics, cybernetics and much more. It has rules to modify star ships and stations, if you're into that. The Gamemaster advice is next level, even more so so if you want to run a sandbox. The game strifes to make it as easy to run as possible and it is highly compatible with other systems. You could take a Traveller adventure and run it with SWN without mich of a hassle and the same goes for a bunch of other systems. I am super satisfied with the book and its superb layout, it is super easy to reference and find stuff.

anyways, 5/5

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Stars Without Number: Revised Edition
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The Gardens Of Ynn
Publisher: Dying Stylishly Games
by Jan T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/19/2022 10:03:03

I am very happy with the contents of the book, it comes with a bunch of interesting ideas and has a very unique and memorable flavour. One thing that irks me a bit is the image resolution of the POD, which is a bit picelated at times. Furthermore there are sone minor layout issues like the white frame around the illustration on pg. 14 which halfways overlaps the page header. All in all its a beautiful product and I do not regret going all the way and buying the POD as well.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Gardens Of Ynn
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