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CCC-KUMORI-01-01 Wreckers $4.99
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CCC-KUMORI-01-01  Wreckers
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CCC-KUMORI-01-01 Wreckers
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Roger M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/18/2024 07:26:27

An okay adventure for new dms but needs experience dms to adjust it correctly. This module has gotten Killer DM TPK vibes lately and I sat in on it as a very weak group. TPK. The new DM was running as is and was handling some of our wrenches in the plot well. But. The encounters are hard plus. Some notes needed to added to allow for short and long rests. Which my group forgot since it is a 2 hour module. And the the combat encounters need to be totally reworked. Drop at least one cultists from each encounter. Change the Sea Spawn and Deep Scion hit pionts.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-KUMORI-01-01 Wreckers
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Christina M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/27/2020 16:15:29

This adventure ran well for a group of 5 relatively new players within 4 hours. It is neatly written and organized and offers a solid straightforward story. There are choices for your players to make, though as with most one-shots they don't dramatically change the end game of the story. There were a few different types of encounters to keep it interesting - a bit of RP, some terrain obstacles, and of course combat. There's not a lot of help with the NPCs, including the cultists and their goals. This has the benefit of keeping the adventure short but may cause problems for DMs short on time who have players that want a little depth to their games. I suspect most players won't care much, though, and will still enjoy the adventure.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-KUMORI-01-01 Wreckers
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Mark C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/04/2019 16:57:03

This was a fun module and the players remained engaged throughout the adventure. The module can be easily ran within the 2 hour window.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-KUMORI-01-01 Wreckers
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Jonathan K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/26/2019 13:23:59

Fun two hour adventure that has a satisfying conclusion. Highly reccomend for both first time players and DMs.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-KUMORI-01-01 Wreckers
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by David M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/17/2018 14:19:56

This was a fun adventure to run and to play as I have had the opportunity to do both recently. The adventure is rather straightforward, but has wiggle-room to allow an rp focused group to play up their roles. My party took time to try to ascertain if the tower was built from scrapwood from the wrecked ships, for instance.

I have a major complaint, however, when I ran this at my table my party decided to go by sea which, up to the beach landing, was fine and dandy. Checks were made, failed and fun was happening. Then we set foot on the beach and the module "ended". Yes, we know the beach is there, that two people are patroling the path but... no direction is given from when you land your boat on shore to assaulting the tower. Are these the worst guards ever? After the initial shock is missing this chunk of the adventure ended, I punted and simply let my players decide what their course of action would be. The guards were dumb and were persuaded to bring the cleric in the party to the tower to bless it. My players filled in the blanks which was awesome.

It is a fun module, well written and has good maps. I look forward to running it again. 3 times. Must run three times. :)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-KUMORI-01-01 Wreckers
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Chase L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/09/2018 10:36:04

This is an easier module for a newer DM to follow, as it is pretty straightforward to run and very "on the rails," so to speak. It is fairly combat heavy, with a minor dungon crawl and some room for roleplay unless you are on a clock. If you're aiming to complete this in 2 hours or less, most of the RP must be skipped over, but the way the module is written, it does still guide the players very clearly to each sequential "flag" in the questline. The module itself feels somewhat generic, but I do appreciate the magic item played a creative role in the adventure rather than just being some extraneous loot on a monster's body. Overall not a bad one, but not likely one that people will remember for years to come. For a table of newer adventurers, it serves its role.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-KUMORI-01-01 Wreckers
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Kareena R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/27/2018 10:56:57

Wreckers was a fun 2 hour CCC. I ran it at a convention over the weekend. I enjoyed the options of travel that players were given. The fight scenes were fun and my PCs really enjoyed it!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-KUMORI-01-01 Wreckers
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Jasmine L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/05/2018 18:51:47

This is a great adventure. It's nice and quick, fitting firmly into a two-hour time slot. It's clean and well-organized, and it even spells out suggested tactics for the enemies, so it's very easy to prep. The spellcaster enemies make for some juicy fights for players interested in a challenge. (We've run this one a few times at my LGS and it's garnered a reputation as a TPK machine. That final fight is brutal if the party is low-level.) And while the plot is relatively thin, it's enough to offer a good hook into the adventure.

It's also well-edited, which is a pleasant surprise! The only mistake I found was that it says the enemies use their action on their first turn to cast Spiritual Weapon. Spiritual Weapon is a bonus action. (EDIT: This has been fixed! Thanks!)

Anyway, "Wreckers" is simple, but well-executed, and I'm a fan.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-KUMORI-01-01 Wreckers
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by John B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/04/2018 22:01:16

Ran true to the two hours, straight forward adventure with some travel choices for the players and fun combats.

This adventure would be very difficult with a group of level 1 adventurers.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-KUMORI-01-01 Wreckers
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Greg T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/25/2018 19:04:19

Another Adventurer's League linear punch-up, for better or for worse.

If you're buying Adventurer's League modules, you know what you're getting - a short, railroady one-and-done outing on the Moonsea, and that's what you get here.

Despite what the module cover says, this is NOT an appropriate adventure for a first level party, even using the scaling information supplied. The final battle includes multiple monsters that can one-shot first level characters, and there's explicitly almost no opportunity for players to use cleverness or stealth to mitigate the difficulty of that fight. Consider level 2 a minimum baseline for punters.

The other major gripe is that this is not, ultimately, a one-and-done. The villain does not appear in this module. I'm not sure if there are other modules continuing this series but if you run it as a stand-alone then players may be disappointed with a lack of closure at the end. A certain amount of player failure is also inevitable - despite the suggestion that this is a rescue mission, no one is walking out of this alive except the players, which again left my players feeling underwhelmed.

What Wreckers does offer is a series of atmospheric fights themed around a sea cult, and a long linear walk down the Moonsea coast. Players who ran the Tyranny of Dragons AL modules have seen all this before in DDEX1-02 and 03. There's one brief environmental hazard which offers players some meaningful choices but largely it's just a sequence of two or three stand-up fights. The module initially seems promising with entirely different chapters if players travel by sea or land, but the chapters are largely the same - players going by ship skip the environmental puzzle but start from a worse tactical position for the first fight. There are no meaningful conversations, puzzles, or moral choices to be seen.

Probably the best aspects of the module are that it will absolutely fit into its advertised two-hour length, and that it's cheap. As I said, if you're buying AL modules, you know what you're getting, and this more or less lives up (or down) to those expectations.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-KUMORI-01-01 Wreckers
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Joost J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/29/2018 08:18:14

I DMed this adventure the other week.

The plot of this adventure is very generic. I dont want to put any spoilers here but the plot felt somewhat uninspired. Your PCs are also (mostly) being railroaded, but that is somewhat to be expected from a 2 hour adventure. So I won't hold that against it.

There is very little roleplay oppurtinities. I felt the lead NPC lacked flavor. And if they choose the landroad, that's probably the only meaningful NPC they're gonna talk to.

The monsters were thematicly good. Im not of a fan of adventures where every encounter has totally different monsters which make no sense to the adventurers. But the setup for the encounters was pretty meh. I choose to mix the terrain details from the land encounter in the first big encounter, so the PCs had some surprises during it.

A plus is that the adventure has nicely drawn maps. It helps giving your encounters a distinct feeling.

Overall it is decent. It's a good basis for a DM who like to play with it. But if you play purely what's written, it's not gonna be one your players will remember.

I was hoping part two of the Kumori-series had some overarcing story line. But this


  • good maps
  • good consistent, thematic monsters
  • my players liked the adventure (also important ;) )


  • very generic plot
  • encounter setup could be better
  • lack of RP moments

[3 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-KUMORI-01-01 Wreckers
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Sam P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/18/2018 16:08:18

I ran Wreckers last night for my group. We had a blast with it! The adventure was quick paced and had interesting villians to it. My group narrowly escaped a TPK during the boss fight but they all enjoyed it none the less! The inlcuded maps are helpful and the flavor of the magic item was really entertaining. Overall we found it to be a challenging module that had a good amount of story to it and consequences for your actions.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-KUMORI-01-01 Wreckers
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Benjamin P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/14/2018 21:33:09

A great little seaside adventure. When I ran this I had a mixed group of seasoned players and new players and it ran for 2hrs on the dot. The adventure is really well written with interesting encounters and good story telling. The advice on how the combat rans is also usefull.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-KUMORI-01-01 Wreckers
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Paul G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/08/2018 17:34:17

Great short adventure. I took my completely new to D&D gaming group through it over the course of three days (they spent the better part of 90 minutes on the first situational encounter, debating the merits of having the clumsy members of the party try and climb up a big rock and other creative ways to get around otherwise painful obstacles) - about 4 hours in total. I have a very creative party, and one had just gotten the PHB for Christmas so we did a lot of looking up; I'd guess a seasoned party would probably run through this in the 2-hour target, no problem.

The only real "issues" I have with it (and it's in quotes because part of a DM's job is to adjust accordingly...and it even speaks to that in the materials) are the APL adjustment recommendations and maybe a little more information on the side quest. All starting level 1s in an APL 3 really fell below the "Very Weak" recommendations, in my humble opinion. The party survived, but it took some creative adjustments (one monster was summarily weakened due to the interruption of a ritual), but I'm thinking this would be a hard one to introduce new level 1 players / characters into. The faction side quest was a fun one, but there was a lot of improvising when the party thought it might be a good idea to stray from the original intent. I love to roll with the improvisation, but I'm relatively new to AL so the notion of factions is somewhat foreign to me; it would have been helpful to perhaps have a little more information about what the side quest meant/was for/etc so I could effectively work with the creativity that is my party without potentially ruining something later down the storyline in AL.

But great adventure - definitely recommended! I picked up Wretches, as well, which I think was rolled out in the same Con so I'm excited to try that!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-KUMORI-01-01 Wreckers
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Iam P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/25/2017 07:01:45

Wreckers is a fine example of a seaside adventure featuring terrain challenges naturally woven into the scenery. While the plot rehashes story elements from similar tales, it is nevertheless engaging and well written. The adventure features some neat creatures for a tier 1 adventure.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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