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The Boneyard
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Monty P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/14/2019 17:57:21

Solid adventure for new players and decent for new DMs. It has a great hook (you're all members of an adventuring party visiting the grave of a fallen comrade) that allows a group to have fun developing the story (I homebrewed a handout with picture and epitaph of their comrade, Valos, and had players fill in their character names and make up what killed him).

The adventure begins simple: the graveyard is closed. It could benefit from a troubleshooting section for newer DMs as it has some flaws (e.g. what if the players leave and get the sheriff, or someone is lawful and respects the right of the graveyard to close, or what if the players leave and rest, leave and rest - where's the urgency). The adventure does not have any maps, which forces DMs to make up, on the fly, how far apart the temple, crypts, and graves are, as well as use theatre of the mind or make up maps for combats. Fortunately, the internet has many options.

There's a few design flaws (e.g. allowing the spell "animate dead" to control undead not created by it, which requires a story fix to explain why a particular undead acts in a certain way), and use of a non Monster Manual creature (Redbrand Ruffian, can replace with 1/2 CR Thugs).

Despite the criticisms, with a minor amount of work, this was a good module that took 5 players with pregenerated characters a little over 4 hours to play through. For the price, a good buy.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Boneyard
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