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Tome of Templates
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/25/2019 09:11:10

If you’re looking for ways to modify creatures, Tome of Templates is 100% the way to go! This supplement takes inspiration from 3e to introduce creature templates that you can use to modify pre-existing monsters, humanoids, aberrations, etc. It comes with 10 different creature templates, including angelic, clockwork, fiendish, formorspawn, and krakenthrall as well as a pre-made NPC for each type.

These templates are highly detailed, accounting for type, alignment, damage resistance, special features, and more. They’re also well laid-out, so you can understand them with only a quick read-through. I absolutely love these templates and all the new opportunities they open up. Want an aasimar party but with minotaurs, centaurs, dragonborn, and more? Use this template! Want a plant-based necromancer with topiary minions? Use this template! Want horrifying inter-planar creatures that appear out of a rift in some forgotten monastery? Use this template! I keep this template printed out in my DM’s binder and occasionally show it to my players, offering them options on how to level up/down or otherwise change their characters. I don’t use it constantly, but when I do, they’re always super excited.

So if you want a fairly easy but extensive way to modify your NPCs and characters to make them better fit your world, seriously, grab this supplement! It’s so good and fairly extensive and well worth the purchase.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Tome of Templates
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Circle of the Feydark 5e
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/24/2019 16:26:37

Circle of the Feydark is a druidic subclass with a darker, more bloodthirsty bent than traditional druidic circles/subclasses. In it, you give up your ability to Wild Shape for the ability to summon plant blights that will act under your command. The stronger you are, the more/stronger blights you can summon. You also learn some spells that aren’t traditionally druidic such as toll the dead and raise dead, both of which are more necromantic.

This is a relatively simple subclass, but I really like it. It has sort of an eco-terrorist bent and is for people that don’t want to play a goodie-goodie druid. I do wish there was a little more to it than just Blight Summoning and Improved Blight Summoning, which doesn’t feel quite on par with being able to Wild Shape. I think the Improved Blight Summoning should be switched out and, perhaps there should be a way to not just summon standard blights but summon blight/animal hybrids. That could help make this subclass feel more balanced. Regardless, I think this is a nice subclass and good to play around with, especially if you want a darker druid.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Circle of the Feydark 5e
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Creator Reply:
Thanks a lot for your detailed review! An updated version has been uploaded, addressing previous balancing issues with the Blight Summoning feature.
Death Patron Warlock (5e)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/24/2019 10:56:50

The Death Patron: Pact of the Grave warlock subclass is an interesting example of how to incorporate Death itself as your patron. The basic premise is that, having died, Death believes you should return to the Material Plane and serve her by killing or reviving individuals. You get a good chunk of new features, including an undead familiar, death-based spells, abilities similar to undead creatures, invocations that allow you to speak with or control the dead, and optional death-based magical items. Also included in this PDF are Death Warlock and Undead Familiar NPCs as well as some decent lore related to the subclass.

Overall, this is a really interesting idea, but it does seem a bit messy. There are quite a few typos and inconsistencies within the supplement, including how to create undead or control them, and it will take some definite work to make everything line up. Your DM might also think that you have too many options and try to reign some of them in. However, I do think this is worth looking into and a good option for anyone that wants to play a character related to the undead but doesn’t want to be a necromancy-based wizard.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Death Patron Warlock (5e)
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Dread Domain: A Cleric Archetype
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/24/2019 10:42:44

The Dread Domain cleric archetype is an incredible subclass with some good, solid roleplaying potential. This cleric has learned to embrace fear and, instead of falling prey to it themselves, rise above it and inflict that fear on others. They learn specific fear-based spells such as crown of madness, phantasmal killer, and synaptic static and can use their divine abilities to gain advantage on Insight and Intimidation checks and Wisdom saving throws. And, although this domain lends itself to darkness and villainy, the creator makes sure to talk about how good-aligned characters can also use it, reminding me of the parable of the boy that just wanted to shiver. The layout is quite professional, and the art by Dani Kruse is GORGEOUS. Overall, I really liked this subclass and am looking forward to playing it myself!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dread Domain: A Cleric Archetype
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The Awakened One: An Otherworldly Patron for D&D 5th Edition
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/24/2019 10:26:59

The Awakened One patron option for warlocks is a potentially neat subclass. Rather than choosing a flesh-and-blood or divine/terrifying patron, you choose a construct with awareness and independence. This construct then gives you access to some of its racial features such as immunity to poison, damage absorption, and invulnerability. You also gain access to spells such as animate objects, stoneskin, and locate object.

Overall, I like this patron option, especially because you can now have a scarecrow or homunculi as a patron, but I think this supplement falls flat in a few ways. It’s not terribly polished, and it doesn’t give you a lot of Awakened One options or lore. I’d love to know more about how Awakened Ones came to be, whether or not you could construct your own Awakened One, if choosing the Awakened One changes your personality, or if the Awakened One wants to rid you of your humanity. While the skeleton is all there in this PDF, there is still a lot to be desired, especially given how potentially cool this patron could be.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Awakened One: An Otherworldly Patron for D&D 5th Edition
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Creator Reply:
Thanks for the feedback. This was my first contribution to the Guild and I've been thinking about updating it. This is helpful criticism and I appreciate you taking the time to write a review.
College of Silence
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/24/2019 10:18:52

What an awesome, silly subclass! The College of Silence bardic subclass essentially allows you to play as a mime and turns the concept of a bard – loud, brash, and attention-seeking – on its head. When you choose this college, you can now cast spells and communicate silently (so long as your hands are free, you’re not restrained, and the creature you’re communicating with can see you). You also get some great features like being able to cast silence (which will not affect you), mime people into your clutches, and mimic spells that you see. Despite its inherent silliness, it’s a potentially devastating subclass with a lot of possibilities. I love it!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
College of Silence
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College of the Opera
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/24/2019 10:10:13

The College of Opera bardic subclass is a rare find. It is intense and evocative, capable of bolstering allies or instilling horror in its foes. Bards that choose this college are proficient with their voice, learn several arias that can be used in different situations, and even capture a creature’s soul. A terrifying subclass indeed.

However, I do wish there were a little bit more in this PDF. For example, an NPC or two built with the college, another spell option other than shatter, or a feature between Aria and Supporting Cast. While the subclass is awesome and has a potentially OP feat in the form of Capture Soul, it does feel as though there is something missing in the middle.

Nevertheless, I’ve had players use the College of Opera to great effect. They enjoy the gravitas associated with the college and enjoy the increased roleplay options. Overall, I’d say it’s a good subclass and worth purchasing, especially if you’d like more voice-based bard options.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
College of the Opera
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Creator Reply:
Thanks for your detailed feedback! Bardic colleges all get their features at the same level, so there are no bards who get subclass features in-between 6th level and 14th level. Capture Soul can definitely be strong, but it's one of those features that's up to the discretion of the DM. And we can see about adding some NPC options, perhaps as an anniversary addition!
College of Caterwauling
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/24/2019 09:22:18

The Bardic College of Caterwauling is a delightful bard subclass that adds a touch of class, silliness, and high fantasy to whatever game you’re playing. The College of Caterwauling focuses on cats/tabaxi and grants the player catlike abilities, including the Gift of Claws, Mighty Roar, and, my favorite, KITTY. All of these abilities are quite clever and encourage cooperation and role-playing. For example, in KITTY, you can either convince a creature that you’re completely non-threatening or essentially incapacitate them with your cuteness, forcing them to protect you and play with you. It’s amazing and something that I desperately want to see happen in a gritty, epic game.

This supplement also contains two College of Caterwauling NPCs at medium and upper level for you to add to your games or give your players as a quick build. I loved that the creator included that because it helped me show my players how much fun this subclass could be. As soon as I did the Distracting Yowl, they were sold.

So if you love cats, bards, or inherent silliness, I would definitely give this subclass a try! It’s a lot of fun, super creative, and a really cute, well-made PDF with some great art. You’ll be glad you grabbed it!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
College of Caterwauling
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Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/24/2019 09:07:35

Nightfall is a challenging one-shot adventure for level 8 – 10 characters. In it, the party finds its way to the town of Secomber where they learn that there have been some troubles in the neighboring graveyard. Evidently, the grave keepers have gone missing and any adventurers they send that way never return. The party then travels to the graveyard where they encounter numerous undead and a pulsing, blighted tree. Attacking the tree alerts the plague vampire that has set up her home in the graveyard, and an epic battle begins!

This was a really challenging adventure for my party, and they actually almost died and had to strategically retreat. The tree calling forth undead every round and the plague vampire’s Charm ability almost undid them. Everyone eventually decided to abandon their Charmed cleric and make a run for it, and, fortunately for the cleric, he took some damage from the vampire’s ally and finally managed to break out of the Charm. Everyone survived (with like 10 HP apiece), and they’ve decided to recoup and attack again. I can’t wait to finish the encounter with them!

I think this is a really fun, challenging encounter. If you have a cleric, the initial encounter with the zombies isn’t terribly difficult, but even with a cleric and the sunlight spell, the final encounter with the vampire and the tree will be difficult. I really liked some of the special mechanics like the golems taking damage for the vampire and the tree summoning undead. I thought those were clever ways to increase the difficulty of the encounter and force players to strategize.

My biggest criticism is about the layout of the adventure. It’s not easy to read the map, especially if you print the adventure for reference, and the stats for the monsters are in a couple different places, making reference a bit of a hassle. As a DM I would have appreciated a print-friendly version and information about the monsters all in one place, especially for that final battle where there are so many creatures around.

However, this is an overall really cool adventure. If you’d like a mid-level adventure that is challenging and unexpected, I would give this one a try. It’s well worth playing!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Heart of a Monster
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/23/2019 19:55:24

Heart of a Monster is a fantastic one-shot filled with lost loves, suicidal cults, and plenty of intrigue, horror, and combat. In it, players find themselves in the Dawnglow Wetlands where a terrible plague has taken root. The plants have grown weak and lifeless, a dense fog surrounds the town of Dawnglow, and a terrible curse that turns people into wood is slowly taking over. The town is in absolute hysterics and Aldum, a priest of the Order of the Stars, requests the players find and kill a false god that he’s sure is causing the problems. However, he does not reveal to them that the “false god,” Vog, is actually a pair of nature guardians that were protecting Dawnglow and that Aldum and his followers killed the other guardian Aurelia not too long ago, inciting Vog’s ire. Players must navigate this town gone mad and decide who they will side with.

I just loved this adventure! It was genuinely creepy, and there was a real sense of urgency to it. There was also a lot of intrigue, and, for once, you could side with the monsters. I also loved the details of the cult and the opportunity to have repeated encounters or solve things with diplomacy. It’s a beautifully written adventure with a great deal of depth and complexity. Well worth the purchase!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Heart of a Monster
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A Place to Call Home
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/23/2019 19:30:03

What a great little adventure! A Place to Call Home is a one-shot adventure for level 3 – 4 characters. In it, the party makes their way to Maplewood, a small, peaceful village that has had some weird going-ons. Recently, a pair of dopplegangers moved into the village and began to impersonate people, doing chores, having conversations, and generally just living their lives. However, one of them decided to kill the tavern owner’s assistant and take over his life. The PCs must get to the root of these strange happenings, uncover the assistant’s killer, and decide what to do with the dopplegangers.

What I like the most about A Place to Call Home is the complexity of its villains and the innocuousness of the “weird things” that happen. Although the murder of Jonathan, the assistant, is heinous, everything else was done with good will and a spirit of helpfulness. Likewise, the dopplegangers’ diverging paths show that people can have similar experiences but come to vastly different conclusions. This encourages PCs not to just deal with villains in one way and can lead to some really good roleplaying.

Overall, I really liked this adventure. It wasn’t especially complex or intense, but it was mostly well laid out. There were some issues with layout, especially in the middle, but it was overall very good. I would have also liked a simple map, but it works fine without one.

If you’d like a brief side quest for players to engage in on the road, I recommend you give A Place to Call Home a try! It’s relatively short but has some really neat, complex characters and will make your players think.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
A Place to Call Home
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World Eater's Awakening - Adventure
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/23/2019 19:10:51

World Eater’s Awakening is 3 – 12 hour long one-shot for level 17+ characters that is truly epic in scope. In it, the players are tasked with figuring out who (or what) attacked a githyanki stronghold in the Astral Plane, destroying almost everyone in the process. They will learn that the githyanki had the misfortune to anchor that stronghold to the corpse of a dead god that the archlich Acererak now wants to resurrect and that he and his undead minions were the ones who attacked. They will also have to stop Acererak from corrupting the corpse of the dead god; if they don’t, it will reanimate and consume the multiverse, leaving behind a trail of undead for Acererak to control.

World Eater’s Awakening is a really intense one-shot. It’s fairly open, allowing PCs to explore their patron, the stronghold, the Nine Hells, and the corpse of the dead god. It also has some fairly inspired mechanics for operating in the Astral Plane, and traversing the corpse is difficult enough to make you feel like you’re actually in a dead god’s body and not in some humdrum dungeon. I especially liked the secret room wherein the PCs got to speak to/be attacked by the consciousness of the dead god.

Honestly, it’s a fantastic adventure. My big quibble is that there is quite a bit of filler. For example, the first few pages tell you how to run an adventure and how to build level 17+ characters. While this might be helpful for inexperienced DMs and players, I ended up skipping past it. There were also quite a few instances when the creator repeated themselves, and, consequently, sometimes I had trouble figuring out when we were in a new section because I had already read this. I think the idea was to refresh DMs’ memories and help guide them forward, but because there weren’t big section headings like, “Part One: Summary” or “Chapter Two: The Githyanki Stronghold,” I found it confusing.

However, this is a relatively small criticism and doesn’t diminish how awesome this adventure was. I definitely recommend it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
World Eater's Awakening - Adventure
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The Brightness of Mornstead
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/23/2019 18:17:18

The Brightness of Mornstead is an exciting one-shot for level 5 – 8 characters. In it, the party is called to the ruined town of Mornstead by the hunter Wiles Killinger, who is willing to pay any group that can kill the dragon that devastated the town five years ago. What they don’t know is that the dragon destroyed the town because Wiles (then known as Titus Vale) had found a magical mineral called Ora that he was using to raise an undead army. However, Wiles/Titus has no intention of rewarding the party for killing the dragon – except by adding them to his undead army.

The Brightness of Mornstead is a fun, relatively straightforward adventure that centers around two main battles: the one against the dragon Kaldrith and the one against the necromancer Titus. There is also a potential encounter with some harpies, but that seems more like filler than a real battle. Likewise, while there are a few extra details – such as the NPC Fnipper and his desire for a dragon scale eyepatch – they don’t hold as much weight. Ultimately, the party is mediating between two ancient foes, and they must kill at least one of them to survive.

While I overall liked the adventure, I did wish there was a little more complexity. Perhaps, when heading towards the lighthouse there could have been more danger or more consequence for the lower Perception. Perhaps slaying Kaldrith could have imposed some sort of curse or condition on the party. I think the added complexity could have only improved the adventure.

However, if you like an uncomplicated adventure with some straightforward dragon/monster slaying, I think this is a good adventure for you. It would likely work especially well with inexperienced parties and players and help them learn the ropes of the game.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Brightness of Mornstead
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The Boneyard
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/23/2019 15:43:59

The Boneyard is a fantastic one-shot adventure for characters level 1 – 4! In it, the PCs are tasked with investigating the Boneyard, a large cemetery that was recently hit by an earthquake. It’s maintained by Drel, an odd man that is secretly a dhampir. His mother, a vampire named Rasha, lives in the cemetery and has been feeding on the townspeople for years. After the earthquake, a pair of gnome necromancers named Slav and Trewdy happened upon the Boneyard and used it for their necromantic experiments, raising the dead and desecrating tombstones. If the party can determine what is behind the recent rise of the undead, they’ll earn the town’s gratitude, but they must make sure not to offend Rasha and Drel or become puppets to the necromancers.

This is a great adventure! The cemetery is complex, and there are a lot of little random encounters. The NPCs are well-written, and the adventure has a lot of neat twists and turns, including befriending a vampire, saving a private eye, and avenging the spirit of the PCs’ fallen comrade. It’s also suitably difficult and the creator has given instructions on how to scale up the adventure as needed. My only real source of criticism is that I wish there were a map. While a map isn’t necessary, it would help orient the various gravesites and provide a nice lay-out for potential encounters.

If you’d like an awesome first tier adventure full of vampires, necromancers, and the undead, you should definitely give this a try! It’s great fun!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Boneyard
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Tomb of the Marsh King
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/23/2019 13:53:32

Tomb of the Marsh King is an epic dungeon crawl for level 6 – 7 characters. In it, the players are tasked with recovering/finding the body of a missing scholar named Handrick that recently ventured into the tomb. His former guide Entus is willing to tell the party where the tomb is but requires payment. Unbeknownst to either Entus or the party is that the spirit naga Piohn has made the tomb his lair and uses it as a base from which to go out and explore the surrounding swamp. Handrick had made it past the tomb’s traps but was killed by Piohn. The party must therefore navigate the extensive tomb and defeat Piohn to get the many fabulous prizes hidden within it. However, even if they do, they’ll likely make an enemy for life out of Piohn.

I really liked this adventure! It’s got some neat background lore and uses the spirit naga to great effect. There are plenty of traps, some of which cannot be found or disabled, and lots of little twists and turns. Some of the clues didn’t 100% make sense to me, like the one about the rising sun vs. the setting sun in the entrance room, but that was mostly because I didn’t see how it would help the party choose the correct path. The internal art also isn’t the best, but the maps are generally quite good. Minor flaws aside, it’s a really fun, difficult adventure with great rewards and dangers. Definitely recommend!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Tomb of the Marsh King
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