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Valentine Love Adventure
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/14/2021 23:11:20

I confess: I'm a huge fan of themed DnD adventures, especially ones that correspond with holidays, so when I saw Valentine Love Adventure, I was incredibly excited. I'm always looking for more DnD adventures that focus on love, friendship, and relationships, and I was really excited to see this one. And, overall, this is a really cute, fun adventure.

Valentine Love Adventure is for one or more level 1 adventurers and is intended to be played as a couple (DM and PC) or with several couples (the DM and their SO and other couples). It scales throughout the adventure, recommending 1, 2, or more monsters per encounter, and, cutest of all, it suggests little moments during the adventure when you can give your SO a small gift, further enhancing the moment. It's real cute.

The premise is that the party comes across a distressed fairy dragon whose fairy dragon SO was recently captured by some goblins. The dragon, Darastrix, pleads with you to go to the nearby goblin cave, past the wards, and rescue their SO, Ulhar. It's the only way to save their love! From there, you engage in a fairly standard dungeon crawl, finding healing potions, battling goblins, and occasionally triggering traps. Naturally, there is a boss fight with the goblin Valentine, and, if you're lucky, there might even be a wedding!

Overall, I really liked the idea of this adventure. I thought it was a cute premise and fairly well-written. However, I'm not certain that one 1st level adventurer could successfully make their way through this adventure (especially if they're a low HP creature), nor did I find the dungeon crawl especially original. Compounding the problem was the fact that the maps provided are pretty vague and a bit low res. Finally, although I loved the mechanic of the Valentine Special, which encourages you to shower your loved ones with little gifts, I would have liked to see the adventure take some of that responsibility. Perhaps a card or rose you could cut out? Instructions for an origami flower you could make? Otherwise, I feel like you could just adapt the Valentine Special mechanic to any adventure.

However, I do think this is a cute adventure that gives you a lot to consider and the price can't be beat. At a Pay What You Want suggested price of only $0.50, it's well worth the purchase, and, if nothing else, it's great to have an adventure like this in your back pocket. I'd definitely say give it a chance!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Valentine Love Adventure
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The Grand Library
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/05/2021 11:16:32

I will often bring my players into studies, libraries, and other book-filled rooms, and the question inevitably is, “What kind of books do I find?” Sometimes, it’s easy to make something up on the fly, but, more often than not, it results in me spluttering and stuttering, unable to think of any plausibly entertaining or logical title. That’s why I was so excited to find Star Shine’s The Grand Library.

The Grand Library is a DnD 5e supplement that contains over 100 different books, their titles, summaries, and (in some cases) magical effects. The document is wonderfully organized with a table of contents, alphabetical and random tables, and distinct categories for the books. Categories include stories and fiction, music and songs, cookbooks and recipes, and so much more. There is also a separate document of book “cards” that you can print out and cut up. That way, when a player chooses or finds a book, you can simply hand them the corresponding card with all the book’s information on it.

I‘ve used this supplement many times with my players, and they’re always really excited by what I can give them. One of my personal favorite items is the book What To Do When You’re the Fairest in the Land, which contains the word “Die!” and casts a sleep spell on whomever opens it. It’s sheer perfection.

So I absolutely do recommend you buy this supplement! It’s a little expensive at just under $5.00, but it’s absolutely worth it. There are dozens of books, each of them with a summary and explanation, and tons of different ways you can use the books and tables. I would definitely buy this if I were you.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Grand Library
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Options for Trollskull Manor
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/30/2021 10:27:51

One of the cool things about Waterdeep: Dragon Heist is the built-in option for players to run their own business at Trollskull Manor. However, despite the fact that it's a major part of the plot, you don't receive much guidance for how to run it or what you could be doing with it. Essentially, it becomes an "easy" place for players to rest and is forgotten for much of the latter part of the campaign. Fortunately, Options for Trollskull Manor exists, and they are SPLENDID.

Options is what the title says -- different options for how to upgrade, run, integrate, and play Trollskull Manor. You get tons of cool upgrades such as how to add a rooftop garden or laboratory, how to hire more staff, how to turn the manor into barracks, and more. Janek has also integrated this cool Dangers and Blessing table, which you periodically roll on when you return to the tavern. It's nice to not have to come up with these on the fly. Finally, you also get an alternative history of the manor with an undead-based adventure that you can integrate into the game play. It's fully and really well done.

If all that wasn't enough, you also get maps! Maps for the new mini adventure and beautiful, colored and filled maps for each of the five levels of the manor. They're very well done and easy to use, and my players enjoyed getting colored maps. And you get all this for $2.99!

Originally, I'd just grabbed this supplement because I thought it looked interesting and wanted extra help with the tavern component, but now I'm very, very glad I did. Everything is neat and easy to understand, and it gives me and my players the roleplaying and upgrading options that we really, really enjoy. I didn't choose to use the mini adventure, but we still had a lot of fun with this supplement. Definitely recommend grabbing it!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Options for Trollskull Manor
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Improved Downtime - Fist Fight
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/23/2021 23:14:01

I love DnD 5e, I truly do, but non-combat encounters can be a bit clunky and boring. Simple successes don’t always have a lot of drama and just scaling down combat can be long and protracted. I wanted to find something that would be interesting for my players and offer them a different mechanic to try. And I found it in Improved Downtime -- Fighting.

The basic premise of this supplement is that your party wants to engage in a fistfight, and you don’t want to do regular combat, so you assemble three different dice pools, adding extra dice based on racial and/or class abilities. Your opponent does the same, and you roll offensive and defensive dice pools, eliminating matching dice, and dealing or negating damage. If so many dice get matched and pulled, then you lose. Fairly simple.

Overall, I like the idea of this mechanic, and I really like this document. Not only does Damion include the basic rules of the fistfight, but he also includes special rules about difficult terrain, pinning, throwing, audience interference, dozens of special abilities, story hooks, NPCs, and betting rules. It’s a really comprehensive document, and it basically includes everything you need to make a fight club style event. It’s super detailed!

However, I struggle to place this supplement fully within the world of DnD 5e. You only use d6s, you have dice pools, and movement, combat, and NPCs work in an entirely different way. Honestly, this supplement seems like a TTRPG all on its own, not an extension of the DnD ruleset.

I don’t think this is a bad thing, just perhaps not what I was looking for.

However, at a pay-what-you-want price and a suggested price range of only $1.00, I do think this is a steal of a supplement. The mechanic is cool, and the document has so, so many different features to it. I think it would be really fun to play in another type of system (like one that specifically uses d6s), and my players were impressed when I pulled it out for them to try. So do I think it’s worth a purchase? Absolutely. Do I think it’s really a DnD 5e supplement? Eh, not really.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Improved Downtime - Fist Fight
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Creator Reply:
Thanks for your review! Really glad you like the supplement. Admittedly, it is a departure from the standard 5ed ruleset (mechanics based on a boardgame) but it served well in my campaigns. I always use PWYW as I think the best aspect of DMGuild is that we can all share our ideas with each other! -D-
Necromancy Can Be Good :)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/20/2021 15:50:33

I’ve always been a big fan of necromancy (you know… in theory), so it’s often disappointing to see how necromancy works in DnD. There are essentially just spells that do necrotic damage and spells that bring people back to life, necromancers themselves are often vilified, and the undead are seen as uniformly stupid and/or evil. It saddens me. :(

What doesn’t sadden me is the DnD 5e supplement Necromancy Can Be Good :) by Willy Abeel, Leon Barillaro, Steve Barrett, and Max Churak. The cover is simple but cute and the illustrations (by Chelsea Livingstone) are just adorable. But this supplement isn’t just for show -- it’s also got a lot of really, really cool necromancy spells.

The basic premise of the supplement is that the resurrected body of Errol Grim wants to teach you about necromancy. Who is Errol Grim? We don’t really know, and we’re not told, but it’s not really important to the supplement. They speak in a pleasant, informative manner, explaining what necromancy is, how they define life, and then explain a series of spells. There are a little over 20 necromancy spells in the supplement, which also includes a helpful table telling you what classes can use which spells and at what level certain spells become available. The remainder of the supplement (the bulk of it) contains spell descriptions as well as a new race, the echo, and a new monster, the hauntling.

There is a lot to like about this supplement. First off, the writing is absolutely charming. I could legitimately read a whole story written in Errol’s voice. Secondly, the art is gorgeous and cute, fitting the supplement’s tone perfectly. I very much want to commission Chelsea to make something now. And, finally and perhaps most importantly, the spells are just really good! There are spells that let you exit your body as a spirit, spells that let you swap souls, spells that let you add a dead appendage to yourself (even if you didn’t have that appendage in the first place), and more! The spells are really creative and give you a lot more options. Some people might find them a bit overpowered (for example, the soul swap appears to be permanent though, to be fair, it is also a 7th level spell), but I personally like powerful necromancy spells. They’re supposed to be about tap dancing across the boundary of life and dead -- why wouldn’t they be powerful?

Overall, I think Necromancy Can Be Good :) is well-worth the purchase. It’s quite cheap, gives you a ton of great necromancy spells, and is just cute and fun. If you’re trying to spice up your lich/necromancy/spellcaster, I really think this is something you should buy!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Necromancy Can Be Good :)
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Yule Cat - CR8
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/17/2021 00:16:51

There are few things that I love more than monsters, but a monstrous, invisible cat is definitely one them. So, if you need an adorably brutal creature to add to your wintery DnD campaign, I've got to recommend the Yule Cat.

First off, the price is very affordable at $0.00, so there's really no reason not to purchase this monster and favorably review it. Second, it's a well-done document. The layout is easy to read and pleasing to the eye, and, although the interior art isn't exactly detailed, it does fit the monster perfectly. There are a few typos, but it's eminently readable.

Best of all is that you get a sense of who the Yule Cat is, both as a DnD monster and as a part of Icelandic folklore. Eggertsson does a good job of introducing people to the folklore behind the Cat, embedding it into a larger narrative and helping you figure out where to put it in your game. He also gives you six plot hooks to use and the full monster stats, which seem balanced and correct. The Yule Cat ends up being a beefed up, magical panther/purple worm and could definitely do some damage against a party -- unless they wanted to try to befriend it, of course.

I definitely think it's worth it to "purchase" this monster, and Eggertsson seems like a good creator to follow in the future. I'm excited to see what else he has and figure out a place to put this kitty in my game!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Yule Cat - CR8
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DDEX1-01 Defiance in Phlan (5e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/23/2020 13:37:08

We all have to start somewhere, and, if you’re just getting into playing or DMing Dungeons and Dragons, “Defiance in Phlan” by Shawn Merwin is a good place to start. The adventure packet links with the Tyranny of Dragons book and offers five simple but exciting adventures for Tier I players, all centered in the town of Phlan. Your adventurers will hand off a magical artifact, rescue some kidnapped folx, slay undead, and locate a magical item. Each adventure gets progressively more difficult and explores the multiple levels of play in DnD. They also give you monster stats, magic item stats, and simple but effective maps.

I’ve played a few of these adventures several times, and I find them quite easy to implement and explain. They have enough action in them to keep most players interested and are just fun. However, I would say the adventure packet’s strongest point is that these adventures are really, really good for new DMs and players. The explanations are clear and concise, and the adventures offer anything you’d need to run them. They do a good job of introducing DnD as a system to players, and they get you interested in the world as a whole. Honestly, the packet is one I go back to again and again for newbies, and it’s always a hit.

So I would say if you need some simple, easy-to-run adventures for new players, give “Defiance in Phlan” a shot. They aren’t the most innovative adventures, but they’re solid, and the price is right for five one-shots.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
DDEX1-01 Defiance in Phlan (5e)
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Murder on the Eberron Express
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/17/2020 14:04:54

Love murder mysteries and roleplay and need a short, interesting one-shot to give your players a break from the grind of a massive campaign? Murder on the Eberron Express is just that one-shot!

The basic premise is that your players find themselves on the lightning rail in Eberron when a murder occurs. Each of the players is meant to play an archetype who knows the victim – the Spouse, the Heir, the Former Business Partner, etc. – which gives them all a reason why they might have wanted to kill the victim. You also randomly roll to see who the murderer is, so it can either be an NPC or a player, and the game encourages you to do secret conversations, thus ramping up the suspense and suspicion. It’s a pretty darn cool idea, especially for DnD, which is decidedly more combat-based.

My party really enjoyed this game, but they also really enjoy roleplaying. Most of them made up a new character/used the pre-gen characters, but one of them converted an old character into an archetype, and it actually worked really well. With a little bit of game prep, you can make this adventure fit into your larger campaign. The only real problem is if one of your players turns out to be the murderer – how will you resolve that?

Overall, I quite enjoyed this game. It was interesting and had lots of little salacious details, and the format allowed my players to be endlessly suspicious of each other and the NPCs. They didn’t end up catching the killer (she made it to the train station because they were too busy accusing each other), but they still really seemed to enjoy the game.

As a DM, I thought this one-shot was simple and well-written and had everything I needed to effectively run it. I don’t really think I needed anything else, although the 2nd class cabin and the construct ended up being completely superfluous. I would definitely recommend people give it a try – you’ll have a lot of fun!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Murder on the Eberron Express
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Secrets of the Blind Palace
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/28/2019 10:44:35

Secrets of the Blind Palace is an excellent, creepy adventure for characters level 1 – 4. However, I would be wary of use level 1 characters – the Blind Palace is no joke!

In this adventure, the party is called to help the Von Crofts, wealthy nobles who have recently lost their son Wilhelm in an ill-advised adventuring trip. They want the party to find Wilhelm’s body and resurrect him and give them Katherine Chambers, the sole survivor of the trip, for help. However, Katherine has lost her voice and is terrified of the palace and, depending on how the party treats her, may not be willing to help them. The party must then search the Blind Palace, navigating its many dangers, and decide if they will help Katherine or Wilhelm – or if they’ll fall prey to the machinations of the night hag Grey Maggie, who orchestrated the whole situation.

Secrets of the Blind Palace is an AWESOME adventure. There are some really good storytelling elements like the repeated usage of illusions and ghosts, very creepy bits like the unanimated body of Wilhelm attacking the characters, and some really hard encounters like the spirit guardians in the Aviary. There are tons of different things to explore and experience, and the mystery definitely keeps people guessing.

If you’d like a legitimately creepy, haunted house-esque game, I recommend Secrets of the Blind Palace. I would have players make level 3 or 4 characters and be willing to adjust the encounters (unless you truly want to kill the party), but I think players will enjoy this challenging and creepy game.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Secrets of the Blind Palace
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Creator Reply:
Thanks so much for the kind words!
Songs of Aedragard
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/26/2019 15:45:48

Songs of Aedragard is a beautiful module that brings characters from level 1 to level 4. It is framed as a starter module like Lost Mines and contains information on how to DM, conduct actions, play D&D, and more.

Songs of Aedragard is both beautiful and comprehensive. The layout is gorgeous and, even though it uses art elements from different people, all of them work together seamlessly. The watercolor and black-and-white pieces are especially beautiful, and the repeated color schemes and flowers work well.

The module is also quite complete. It has a full list of NPCs with descriptors, backgrounds, wants, and stats; it has a flow chart of the action of the adventure; it has maps (that are labeled!); it has options for combat, roleplay, and investigation; and it has a bunch of different threads, including investigating the ruined castle, having an encounter with Razorwing and her wolves, working with a giant shepherd, and more. This module really feels like a full adventure/world, and it’s a pleasure to inhabit.

Overall, I loved this adventure. It was just as much fun to read as it was to play, and it was something I honestly liked introducing my players to. I definitely recommend you give it a try!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Songs of Aedragard
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Curse of the Gumdrop Ooze - Revised & Expanded
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/26/2019 15:28:51

Curse of the Gumdrop Ooze is a short, candy-flavored (wink!) adventure for level 3 – 4 characters. In it, the party comes across a destroyed village and a gumdrop ooze. If they choose to investigate the village, they find a trap door leading into an underground lair occupied by candy monsters called cruls and a mage and his minion. This adventure can be a simple one-shot in which the party rids the area of a cruel mage, or it can be expanded into something longer in which they hunt down the candy hag that cursed the area, restore the blighted crul, and return the candy children to their rightful forms. There is a lot of fun in this game. I love the new monsters, the crul and the gumdrop ooze, and think they’re great fun! I’m excited to look into Matt Butler’s The Hag’s Hexes, and I would really love to play a candy-themed adventure.

While I do think this adventure is well-written and easy-to-follow, I think the best things about it are the candy-themed components. The adventure itself isn’t particularly innovative aside from the candy elements, and I was initially a little confused about whether or not we were even in an adventure. The parts of the map also aren’t labeled so it was a little bit difficult to understand. If this were just a supplement of candy-themed components, I’d probably give it 5 stars, but as an adventure it’s not my favorite.

However, if you want a quick adventure, especially for more inexperienced players, I think this is a good one-shot to start with. Then, if they’re interested, you can get The Hag’s Hexes and lean more into the candy element!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Curse of the Gumdrop Ooze - Revised & Expanded
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Plane Shift: Dominaria
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/26/2019 13:58:12

Plane Shift: Dominaria is a short supplement about the Magic: The Gathering world of Dominaria, a massive world with various domains, races, factions, creatures, and more. As the introduction by the creator mentions, this does not include Urborg, Shiv, and Yavimaya but does include Benalia, Serra, the Tolarian Academies, Vodalia, Belzenlok’s Cabal, Keld, and Llanowar. Each section includes information about the different races, dominant classes, special monsters, and, for most of them, how to build a character from these domains. Notable exceptions to playable races are the merfolk of Vodalia and Belzenlok’s Cabal. However, you do still learn about these domains and how to set adventures in them or pull villain’s from them. They’re very complete.

This is quite an extensive supplement and goes well with Guildmaster’s Guide to Ravnica, despite the fact that they are separate planes. However, both do talk about planes and peoples from the Magic: The Gathering universe and help convert them into D&D-compatible play. This really opens up a whole new world of play and helps give depth and complexity to planar shifts and inter-planar travel in the D&D world.

The supplement is well-written and beautifully creative with gorgeous, evocative artwork. It’s easy to understand, and the artwork helps you picture the world better as well as give you something to show your players. While I do wish there was playable information for Vodalia and the Cabal, I nonetheless love this supplement and have included it in my DM’s folder. A must have!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Plane Shift: Dominaria
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Snazzlegob Flobwanger's Box of Tricksy Treats
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/26/2019 13:29:05

Snazzlegob Flobwanger’s Box of Tricksy Treats is a short supplement full of silly items found in this “Flobwanger’s” box. Some of them are quite helpful such as Diptha’s Hat of Magical Insights, which allows you to see into the psyche of a chosen target (though you will eventually suffer ill effects), while others are incredibly silly such as the Knapsack of Niceties, which can give you a floating Cabbage Familiar. And some, like the Knapsack of Naughties, have items that will simply harm you like Mikkey’s Mousetrap, which snaps your finger and painfully enlarges your hand.

Overall, these items are just silly objects you can add to your game for extra laughs. Perhaps your players stumble into a magic shop and want to know what they find. Perhaps they fight a ridiculous villain with a maniacal floating cabbage. Perhaps you’re playing with kids, who delight in silly objects. Regardless of what you’re trying to do, these objects will surely enliven your game.

However, be aware that some of these objects aren’t completely fleshed out. For example, we don’t know who Snazzlegob Flobwanger is, which would have been nice lore to have. We also don’t know how long some of the effects from the Knapsacks last, and the description of the String of Glowing Sausages is pretty vague. While I would have preferred there to be a bit more polish on these items, they are still usable and can be easily changed to better fit your game or world rules/restrictions. So, if you’d like a group of silly objects to add some laughter and whimsy to your game, check these out!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Snazzlegob Flobwanger's Box of Tricksy Treats
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CCC-CIC-09 Steamy Shores of Danger
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/25/2019 16:35:54

The Steamy Shores of Danger is a 2 – 4 hour Adventurers League-compatible adventure for level 1 – 4 characters. In it, the party finds themselves at the tiny coastal village of Jarko’tu’ta shortly after a shark attack has upset their trade mission to a local island. The villagers, the Whanau, beg the party to go and find out what happened and help maintain their trade agreement with the Big Folk Island. The party then discovers that the sharks in the area are being especially aggressive and that a fiendish pact between a sea hag and the sahaugin are behind the attacks.

I really liked this adventure! It was well written and simply laid out, helping even the most inexperienced DM figure out how to run the adventure. There were also some neat mechanics like navigating the fog, fighting the sharks, scaling the adventure, and succeeding on the social challenge with the Big Folk. I thought this was a really cool adventure and one that I would be excited to play with my own AL – I’ll have to bring it next time we play!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-CIC-09 Steamy Shores of Danger
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Thank you very much for taking the time to leave a review - glad you enjoyed it!
On the Sea of Swords: a 5th Level Pirate Adventure
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/25/2019 09:39:08

On the Sea of Swords is a short maritime adventure aboard the Broken Sabre, a pirate ship crewed by men falsely accused of piracy and forced to flee the life they’ve always known. The current captain, Captain Gage, has heard that the daughter of the woman that branded them has recently been captured. He hopes that by saving her, he can convince the woman to pardon his crew and allow them to lead normal lives again. As a member of Captain Gage’s crew, you can either help him or join the simmering mutiny against him.

Overall, I liked this adventure. It’s basically written in a summary, allowing you to flesh out more of the finer details, including a map, ship, ship roles, and more. There’s also an interesting opportunity for role play with the potential mutiny, though it’s unclear what should happen next if you side with the mutiny/don’t stop it. And there are some good NPCs and world building elements that make me interested in learning and playing more.

However, there are a few problems. For example, there are some inconsistencies in the text such as the name of Duke Belynne’s (who’s actually a duchess) daughter Sazrah/Gardania. There also isn’t a clear idea of what to do if you participate in the mutiny, nor how the mutinous atmosphere will be resolved. I would also have liked a little more information on the different roles of the ship and how PCs could play in those. While there are a lot of cool ideas about what to do on ships, there isn’t always a lot of consistency, so a bit more here would have helped.

Nevertheless, I really liked this adventure. Inconsistencies aside, it was coherent and well thought-out, and it has a lot of potential for future adventures, side quests, and NPCs. I look forward to the companion piece!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
On the Sea of Swords: a 5th Level Pirate Adventure
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