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Volo’s Waterdeep Enchiridion (5e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/11/2021 22:50:45

Contains the exact enchiridion from the book, which is good to give to players or print and keep for reference. I would have appreciated it being cheaper (or free as part of the hardback purchase), but it was still helpful and good.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Volo’s Waterdeep Enchiridion (5e)
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Serving the Squash
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/11/2021 22:49:02

While I do love high drama, I'm a sucker for silly, thematic adventures, so I was super excited for Serving the Squash. Not only was the art on the cover gorgeous, but it promised puns, pumpkin-based monsters, and a fun, good time. And it delivered.

The basic premise is that the party has arrived at the town of Kukurbi in time for their annual Highharvestide festival. However, instead of revering the goddess of agriculture Chauntea, the townsfolk seem to be celebrating the harvest itself. The mayor is especially manic, singlehandedly going around and decorating the town and guarding the harvest. However, as the players will learn, not all is well in the town of Kukurbi.

The backstory for the adventure is that the town has had several really bad years of harvests. In desperation, the mayor made a semi-fiendish pact with a creature called Gourdkin. Gourdkin promised to give the town a harvest the likes of which it had never seen -- as long as they thanked him by named at the Highharvestide festival. However, Gourdkin is just using the festival to sow chaos, which will likely devastate the town (and even kill a few people) if he's not stopped.

The bulk of the adventure involves investigating various parts of town, learning that there is something weird about the harvest, and generally being suspicious. In the meantime, the group can drink and party with the townsfolk. Then they get into a huge battle with Gourdkin and his gourdlings.

However, there isn't really a lot to convince a party to investigate prior to the massive attack. The party would need to know that the town should be worshipping Chauntea and that the bounty they have received isn't likely. It means everyone needs to be suspicious and do a lot of breaking and entering for almost no reason. For a lot of parties, it could be difficult to get them to investigate prior to the big battle.

It is possible to circumvent this situation. For example, the party could have visited the town beforehand; the DM could make things seem a lot more ominous; gourdlings could creep around the festival beforehand, raising the party's suspicious; etc. It's also not the end of the world if the party doesn't investigate before the fight. After all, investigating doesn't help them in the fight nor does it necessarily prevent the fight -- the mayor can simply confess to his ill-conceived plan afterwards. However, I would have preferred a little more work going into that particular part of the adventure, but, honestly, it's not terribly difficult to solve yourself.

Motivation to investigate notwithstanding, I do think this is an excellent little adventure. It was well-written and had overall decent editing. The art was gorgeous, the maps were helpful and pretty, and the layout was eminently readable. The monsters were fun and interesting, and the whole premise was enticing. If you'd like a fun little adventure that dovetails into the haunted/harvest season, I think this is a great adventure to pick up and play.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Serving the Squash
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Monstrous Arthropods
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/10/2021 10:19:51

Most people will agree that insects and related creatures are pretty darn creepy, making them the perfect DnD monsters. This supplement understands that basic premise and runs with it, creating 10 all-new creatures for you to learn about, fight, and maybe get eaten by. Some of these, like the Lou Carcohl, are semi-familiar figures from folklore while others, like the orchid striker mantis, are more familiar from real life. Regardless, they all add an amazing and gross new element to any DnD game.

This supplement is essentially just the 10 monster entries. However, each comes with flavor text that describes the look and personality of the monster, potential items you can make from them, a stat block, and a really cool image. The text is well-written and well-edited, and the monsters generally seem fairly balanced. You also have a large range of monsters from the CR 0 scuttling spy to the CR 19 blister colossus, resulting in a monster for pretty much every battle.

Ultimately, this is another great monster supplement to add to your binder of DnD sources, and the text, imagination, and works cited separate it from the usual bestiaries. At less than $1.00, it's very reasonably priced, and it's simply a lot of fun. Definitely recommend!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Monstrous Arthropods
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The Executioner's Daughter
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/29/2021 11:36:40

The Executioner's Daughter is a beautiful document. Part solo adventure, part interactive story, it allows you to make your way through a specific moment in the history of Soldra. Every year, the city sacrifices a woman chosen at random to the dragon god Bahamut, a tragic yet grimly accepted event. This year, the Executioner's daughter Domenica chooses to go, and you are called to accompany her in the harrowing journey. However, it is unlikely that this sacrifice will go to plan.

The Executioner's Daughter is really something quite unique. As the author states in a couple of places, it's not necessarily a solo adventure. Yes, one person plays by themselves, but a lot of this document is story. You read the story, and at key places you can roll for actions or information, putting your own unique stamp on it. But unlike a solo adventure, The Executioner's Daughter isn't really about you, the adventurer. Rather, you are a part of Domenica's story.

Overall, this is a beautiful document. The writing is deft and stirring, and the layout and editing are quite good. The story is interesting and engaging, and you get a strong sense of the world of Soldra. It's one real flaw might be that you can't necessarily play/read it over and over again. Your actions are fairly constrained, and a lot of the impact of the story is lost with repeated readings. I can see it being something you enjoy picking up once a year, more as something to read than to play, and that's not necessarily a bad thing.

Basically, this is a great little piece to pick up and play. It's beautiful and engaging and not too terribly expensive. Definitely recommend.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Executioner's Daughter
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Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/24/2021 11:22:49

Gloamings are a race of Small humanoids that originally hail from the Feywild and now live in the Underdark. These small, inquisitive creatures love to roam, have pale skin and catlike eyes, and fur-covered wings. They can make their skin glow to torchlike brilliance, and they have a few other outstanding features.

I really love gloamings, and I think they're a wonderful edition to the canon. DnD has a lamentable dearth of good Feywild creatures, and a lot of the Underdark creatures are inexplicably dark and evil. Gloamings literally brighten up that stereotype, and they're just so darn cute!

I believe the mechanics of these creatures are well-balanced, and the document provides you with what you would expect from a DnD race. However, the editing is a little sparse, and some of the writing is a little vague or confusing (It's also missing the copyright information, which I recommend adding.) A quick once-over would easily iron out the wrinkles, but it's still entirely readable, and the layout is simple but elegant.

I would definitely recommend this as a "purchase." It's free, the race is cute and interesting, and it's a good, easy-to-read document. Absolutely give this a chance and leave a review if you can!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Trick or Trinkets
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/22/2021 13:40:08

When you're having difficulty adding a bit of spice to your DnD game, you want a handy resource you can access quickly. Trick or Trinkets offers just that. This short compendium contains several tables of possible curses, treasures, locations, and more that you can add to any DnD game for a bit of terrifying fun. Everything is, as might be expected from the title, related to horror and the occult, but it's all really well done. You have skeletons embedded in trees, rings that refuse to leave your finger, lonely swords, and a whole lot more.

What I really loved about this supplement is how easily you could use the items and tables to craft your own adventures. Most of them offer little worldbuilding tidbits that inspire you and just beg to have full adventures added onto them. I don't believe Chris has offered a "sequel" to this document, but I would definitely be interested in one!

There's really nothing to hate about this title. It's fun, it's creative, it's got some great art, it's well-organized and decently edited -- it's just really good! Definitely something I'd recommend.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Trick or Trinkets
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Dragon+: Six Faces of Death (5e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/05/2021 12:20:27

One of my favorite genres is horror, which is notoriously difficult to create in TTRPGs, especially more combat-heavy TTRPGs like DnD. Horror relies on mood, atmosphere, and a certain feeling of being trapped and helpless -- at least for a while. When players can try to seduce just about everything and suddenly stop and make "Yo Mama" jokes, it can be hard to keep the atmosphere.

However, Six Faces of Death does an EXCELLENT job of creating and maintaining that atmosphere. It's a complicated adventure, but essentially Cube 1717 hurtles through the void to Acheron, becoming horribly warped in the process. It is found by/finds a quadrone, who merges with it, creating this rapidly replicating pixelating curse, which causes even more issues. Just when Cube 1717 looks like it's going to run out of steam, the skull lord Vargo finds it and manages to merge with it, gaining great power and greater ambitions. Unless someone (like your party) stops Vargo, it's going to keep pixelating the entire Material Plane.

The actual content requires a great deal of exploration, combat, and dungeon delving. The party is expected to explore the Changing Island, learning more information about the pixelating curse and what really is happening. After that, they find themselves in/going into Cube 1717, which is a series of dungeonlike rooms. Monsters, madness, curses, and conditions exist aplenty, and it might just be impossible for a group too hellbent on being murder hobos to make it all the way to the bottom. And, even if they do, they'll have to somehow overcome Vargo, who isn't going without some kind of fight.

As stated, this is a complicated adventure. You have an extensive cast of characters, a lot of enemies, even more motivations, and a thousand different ways the whole thing can play out. You are gifted with some pretty amazing maps, but it takes quite a bit of work for the DM to set this one up. It's not one of those adventures you can skim five minutes before a session and then make it work. I had to make notecards, maps, minis, and a ton of bullet points.

All that said, it is a great adventure, especially for parties that like a bit more combat. Yes, there are opportunities for roleplaying, but you've got to be active in this adventure. Sitting around too long can get you ambushed, flattened by a falling body, or worse. I upped the ante by adding in timers every once in a while, which really got the group moving. However, I really did have fun with it, and I absolutely loved how much it relied on Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes. SUCH great use of monsters!

One thing for people to be conscious of is the fact that it uses quite a few madness mechanics, not only with NPCs/enemies but also as effects that can happen to PCs. Madness mechanics can be insensitive or downright offensive for some people, so it's good to open up a dialogue about that. Similarly, the sheer amount of control and death in this adventure also necessitates taking breaks and talking through things. It can be a bit much.

Nevertheless, I really enjoyed this adventure and am glad I picked it up. It's also totally free, and the complexity, high quality, and INCREDIBLE maps make it more than worth it. Totally something you should grab.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dragon+: Six Faces of Death (5e)
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Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Complete DM's Bundle (Guides, Maps, Adventures and other Resources)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/01/2021 22:00:17

Waterdeep: Dragon Heist is a complicated game with a lot to keep track of and, quite frankly, some fairly glaring plot holes and narration gaps. When I first picked it up and got into DMing it, I felt a bit overwhelmed with all the work I would have to do to make the city, its inhabitants, and the quests work, and I bought quite a few supplemental materials. However, I would say that this is, hands down, the absolute best resource.

The WD: DH Complete DM's Bundle really does have absolutely everything you need to run the campaign. It breaks down each of the five chapters and offers expanded missions for both the Zhentarim and Gray Hands factions. And in each of those massive folders are a TON of resources. For example, for the Zhentarim, you have expanded missions for each of the five levels of renown. Those missions give you NPC rundowns, puzzles, maps, and a heck of a lot more. I ran the Hatred Surfacing mission with my party, and it was so easy to implement and so fun for my group. Nothing but great things to say about it.

It's honestly difficult to find more to say about this product because it is SO GOOD. Eventyr Games absolutely outdid themselves in the writing, creativity, editing, layout, and cartography. Each section flows in seamlessly with the original book and is just phenomenal. I always keep a copy of these documents with me when I run my game, and they've been a lifesaver.

The one downside of this bundle is that it is slightly pricier than a lot of other DMs Guild items at $14.95. However, you're getting dozens (maybe even hundreds) of pages of work, at least a dozen new maps plus reworked maps, something like 10 new adventures, and a lot more. If you had to prioritize one WD: DH supplement, I would definitely make this the one.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Complete DM's Bundle (Guides, Maps, Adventures and other Resources)
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Tavern Games
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/30/2021 13:21:25

One simple thing I like to do as a DM is have one or two games ready that my players can play in a tavern, at a roadside inn, or with a roguish chap they meet. My groups don't always expect these games, but they're absolutely always delighted when they have the option to play them. And Tavern Games has been so welcomed.

Tavern Games essentially provides more mechanics for cheating, bluffing, dice games, and card games. It includes gaming sets of greater and lesser quality (as well as greater and lesser levels of cheating); mechanics for how to play, including bluffing, cheating, and reading your opponent; and a ton of fun card and dice games.

While I enjoy the play mechanics, for me, the games are really where this document shines. The card games are fun and inventive and include such offerings as Twelve Nights and Triangle, but they are a bit awkward. You do have to mime pulling cards by instead rolling dice, so those games took my players a little bit to get the hang of.

However, the dice games are simply delightful. There's Farkle, which I enjoy playing in real life; Mason, which is like a gamified version of rolling for stats; Middle's 7, which involves guessing; and several others of varying complexity. Although I love playing Farkle, I do avoid it in-game since it has a real like counterpart, but Middle's 7 and Pig are favorites.

This is a great little document and one I absolutely recommend. It will cost you less than $1.00, is well-written, edited beautifully, and has some incredible inside art. Plus, like I said earlier, it gives you a ton of mechanical and game options. So worth it!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Tavern Games
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Dragon Heist: The Haunting at Trollskull Manor
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/21/2021 15:45:07

One of the essential parts of the Waterdeep: Dragon Heist campaign is that the party is given a potential tavern called Trollskull Manor. Within is a poltergeist named Lif who, truth be told, is rather easy to deal with. It is full possible to restore the manor/renovate into a business and slay the poltergeist without too much effort. However, Trollskull Manor also has a dark history, which could lend itself to an adventure. In steps Dragon Heist: The Haunting of Trollskull Manor.

This short adventure dovetails nicely with the appearance of Lif, the street children three, and the renovations of the manor. The basic plot is that, while the party is renovating the building, several strange and haunting events happen, leading them to believe that the manor is cursed. While the party can choose to ignore these events, doing so will inevitably lead to more unfortunate events and perhaps even their business failing. Therefore, it's important that they confront Lif -- and the hag-shadow attached to the manor.

This adventure has several small parts which do lead into each other but can be mixed and matched. For example, the first section gives you several small events such as surprise rats, construction accidents, and strange dreams. Next, the poltergeist Lif attempts to murder the party. After that, they are visited by the vestiges of the hag-shadow Mama Esther, and, finally, they have to confront the hag-shadow, and, with any luck, finally save the orphans black from their prison. It's fully possible to only play this final section and have Lif actually talk to and help the party.

I quite enjoyed this adventure and so did my group. They enjoyed the ambiance of it as well as the mystery and the opportunity to investigate. Because of how we were playing WD: DH, I chose to do the adventure out of order, but it was easy to modify and satisfying.

Strictly speaking, The Haunting of Trollskull Manor isn't necessary for WD: DH, and you don't need to purchase this adventure; unlike other WD: DH modules, I wouldn't say this really fills in any gaps. I would also say the set up to the hag-shadow episode takes too long, and the connection between Lif and Mama Esther is pretty tenuous. However, these were easy issues to overcome, and I was able to run the adventure quite smoothly.

Ultimately, I do think this is a great adventure to purchase. It's only $1.00, and it's a great haunted house episode. You've got fairy tales and weird voices and ghost children, all of which are excellent. So, definitely, give them one a look!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dragon Heist: The Haunting at Trollskull Manor
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Trinket Busters
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/19/2021 15:59:12

One of the things I really love about DnD 5e is customizing my character. It's fun to mix and match classes, feats, skills, spells, and more. However, I have occasionally been disappointed by the weapons selection, especially when I play something a bit more non-magical. Trinket Busters with its "mid-point between weapons and wands" fits the bill exactly.

Trinket Busters is a fairly short document with 52 new weapons called Trinket Busters. You place a trinket such as a stolen love letter, iron ore, or a couple pounds of ice into a weapon's grip, and you can activate and power a variety of effects. Without the trinkets, the weapons act as ordinary weapons, but with them, you can do extra damage, reduce an enemy's AC, use spells, and more.

The weapons are really awesome too! You have Captain's Folly, which gives an opponent disadvantage on abilities; Eye of Dreams, which lets you do massive damage out to a huge range; Spirit of Steel, which ignores all obstacles; and a ton more! Be warned: some of these weapons, especially if you use their Break feature, can do a massive amount of damage. Therefore, I'd offer them to players sparingly.

Naturally, Trinket Busters isn't a perfect document. The concept of trinkets is imperfectly explained, and it was initially hard to tell what a trinket was, how to get it, or even how to identify what trinket you needed. The trinkets also aren't really organized, so you have to either browse the document or go back to the table of contents at the beginning of the document. However, these are relatively small problems that I was able to easily overcome, so I'm sure you will too.

Basically, if you want some badass weapons, this is a great document to purchase. It's well-written, creative, super fun, and gives you tons of options.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Trinket Busters
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Waterdeep: Expanded Faction Missions
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/15/2021 10:48:05

Like it or hate it, one of the hallmarks of Waterdeep: Dragonheist is the fact that the book gives you a lot of suggested actions with minimal details. Sometimes, this can be a wonderful way to tighten the narrative or let your characters develop their bond, but sometimes it's a huge pain. Enter Waterdeep: Expanded Faction Missions.

This beefy, 43-page supplement expands each of the faction missions from their three sentence summary into a one or two page adventure. You get an adventure background, suggested tips for how to run the adventure, more information about the key players, and expanded treasure, renown, and experience information.

Additionally, you can use these mini adventures as side quests for players to go on to earn money, join factions, and learn more about Waterdeep. Although they do intersect with WD:DH, they're easily tweakable to be their own standalone adventure, which is quite helpful if you need something short and sweet to entertain your players.

The only thing I would prefer is if there were maps for some of the missions. Not all of them require a map, but some do, either because of the location or terrain, so those would be a nice, added bonus. But it truly is a minor thing, and, hey, you have so much other information that you can't really blame the creator for not doing even more.

If you'd like to implement the faction missions but don't want to have to spend a ton of time thinking of the particulars yourself, I do recommend Waterdeep: Expanded Faction Missions. It's pay what you want, and the suggested $4.99 price tag isn't unreasonable for what you get. It's also well edited and easy to understand. Definitely worth the purchase!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Waterdeep: Expanded Faction Missions
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The Librarian: An Investigative Class for D&D 5e
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/12/2021 13:12:54

As a librarian, I'm always excited to see librarian-themed things, so when I came across Vall Syrene's Librarian Class, I was very excited. The document itself is quite beefy at 13 pages long and contains flavor text, how to create a librarian, the different specialities, how to multi-class into a librarian, and more.

In this document, a librarian is essentially an investigator that might have some extra tech or combat skills. They can choose between three Research Techniques: the Hunter, the Pagemaster, and the Technarian. A hunter has advanced targeting and toxin skills, a pagemaster knows different maneuvers that can help in a diverse range of situations, and a technarian has special armor it can modify for different situations.

Overall, this class is quite interesting and has a wide range of abilities. You can become an expert in different tools and skills, increase your defense, gain knowledge and advantage against different foes, and a lot more. Definitely something that could be fun during a game.

However, as a librarian, I was a little disappointed. I would have expected skills that went more with being a librarian like tracking down errant patrons and gaining mental defense against insults and having advanced Intelligence (Investigation) skills. This librarian class is a bit of a strange creature with bard/ranger/fighter/wizard characteristics and a lot of armor. Like I said, definitely fun but maybe not super accurate.

All that said, I still think it's worth the purchase. It's a well-written document with a lot of customizability, and it's quite well edited and illustrated. You can pay what you want, but even the suggested price of $2.95 is quite reasonable with what you get. If you're looking for a new class, I'd give this one a try.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Librarian: An Investigative Class for D&D 5e
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Trollskull Tavern Management (ENG/ITA)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/08/2021 20:52:46

One of the unique aspects of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist is the fact that a large chunk of the adventure is devoted to the party getting a tavern that they can fix up, live in, and use to earn some coin. However, that chapter of W:DH is a bit sparse, and it leaves a lot of Trollskull Manor to be pieced together from other WotC resources or thought up on the spot. While it's perfectly possible to make Trollskull Manor work, if you'd like to spend a little bit less time brainstorming your own ideas, Trollskull Tavern Management is a great resource.

This hefty, 19 page supplement includes information on how to run a business and gain renown, events and upgrades you can add, and more. It leans on renown a lot, so, if that's not something you want to incorporate, some of this supplement won't be helpful to you.

Additionally, some of the information in this supplement is repeated from W:DH and other WotC sources such as how to run a business, carousing, and spreading rumors. However, having everything together in one place has been really helpful as I don't have to rewrite things on notecards or flag three different resources.

In addition to the consolidation, what I really like is the upgrades section, which offers suggestions for different events, activities, and NPCs. It's helpful to have everything in one place, and I like just being about to flip through these pages.

Trollskull Tavern Management isn't perfect. In addition to the repetitive and unoriginal content, there are quite a few typos. For example, renting a room is listed as 10 gp per room in poor condition, which seems awfully high. Additionally, some of the original Italian was accidentally left in, necessitating a quick trip to Google Translate.

However, if you need something that helps you manage Trollskull Manor, I think this is a great resource. There are a ton of different options, and the price is really good (a suggested $2.00, though you can go lower). If you're looking for a perfectly edited and originally illustrated W:DH supplement, this isn't for you, but if you just want some good Trollskull Manor options at a reasonable price, this is well worth the purchase.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Trollskull Tavern Management (ENG/ITA)
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Drawfee Monsters: The Zoob and The Besniffler
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cindy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/04/2021 00:17:07

I could not tell you what originally prompted me to grab Drawfee Monsters. I think I liked the name, and I'm always excited to get new, silly monsters for my games. And, honestly, Drawfee Monsters did not disappoint.

Drawfee Monsters is a short document that contains two original monsters, the zoob and the besniffler. These monsters were originally created by Nathan Yaffe, Caldwell Tanner, and Molly Ostertag on an episode of the Drawfee Show and then given stats by Lucas Zellers/Scintilla Studio in this supplement.

The document contains brief flavor text about each monster as well as a DnD 5e-compatible stat block. The zoob is essentially what happens when you cross a gelatinous cube with a zoo and is a fun little monster that behaves erratically. The besniffler is meant to be "the beholder's less popular cousin" and is covered in noses and does varying snot-based attacks. It has a lot of gross out factors and is decently tough.

Finally, you're given paper miniatures of each monsters, which you can cut out and color and use in your games. Not incredibly high tech but effective.

Overall, I like these monsters and this supplement. I think the zoob is silly, and I really like the gross and deadly aspects of the besniffler. I'm excited to bring these monsters into my home-brew, and given that these monsters are free, I definitely think it's worth grabbing this supplement.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Drawfee Monsters: The Zoob and The Besniffler
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