Pages: 2. 1 cover. 1 content. The quick preview is of the entire product.
The one page of content is half text saying that one of the chart's math is based on modern day households of 2.5 people. I'm not interested in modern day households this is D&D.
The second table is based upon research that how many skilled workers in the middle ages it took to build a house. In this case 10 workers 90 days. Although we are mixing eras I'll go with it.
The description of the 2nd chart though says "The table below shows the amount of days it would take to construct 10 buildings with the following cri-teria being met: available magic to the builders, materials used, cost, and number of workers per house."
But the chart goes on to break down by workers per house. It doesnt take 10 into its math. It also doesnt cover cost. It assumes this is covered or everyone is working for free I suppose.
This product is less starting a settlement system and more how many people live in a modern day house.
I have low expectations for a $1 product but this product would be bad if it were free.