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No more bundles - all PWYW

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No more bundles - all PWYW
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No more bundles - all PWYW
Publisher: ThinkDifferent
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/04/2017 17:29:06

I'd value the bundle at about $5.

I assume Mr Saari isn't a native English speaker. His products contain many odd sentences, grammar mistakes, spelling errors, etc.

The page count of the documents aren't a good benchmark; many pages appear to be presentation slides with text. Some products are much more informative and interesting than others.

That all said, much of what he writes about is interesting from a game master/referee perspective. His illustrations are mostly good and reinforce his ideas well.

If I could suggest only one thing to the author, it would be to reorganize and consolidate all his work in a single document. Target that document to GM's for about $5.

I think the author has a strong interest in Modiphius' Conan RPG using a 2d20 system. Perhaps he could expand his existing content to include a more generous description of his play-style and techniques using that system as well.

There is potential here, but it requires better organization and editing.

(I provided a very similar--almost verbatim--review on each product to both inform and direct a potential buyer here)

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thanks, for bundle view this is ok but I'm kindly requesting to have more focused feedback on the titles themselves.
I've removed page count on titles that are not in traditional book format.
On Conan 2d20, I have house ruled the system for my taste quite a bit, in particular combat. I'm happy to share my house rule documents upon request, drop me an email (contact publisher) to request a copy.
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