First, I would simply recommend getting Mr. Arto Saari's "All Think Different BUNDLE". I'd value the bundle at about $5.
I assume Mr Saari isn't a native English speaker. His products contain many odd sentences, grammar mistakes, spelling errors, etc.
The page count of the documents aren't a good benchmark; many pages appear to be presentation slides with text.
That all said, much of what he writes about is interesting from a game master/referee perspective. His illustrations are mostly good and reinforce his ideas well.
If I could suggest anything to the author, it would be to reorganize and consolidate all his work in a single document. Target that document to GM's for about $5.
I think the author has a strong interest in Modiphius' Conan RPG using a 2d20 system. Perhaps he could expand his existing content to include a more generous description of his play-style and techniques using that system as well.
There is potential here, but it requires better organization and editing.