These set of rules are really wonderful.
Easy to understand and very clean mechanics that let you play in every kind of settings.
You will be also able to make all sort of things without any limits during your scenarios and the Author is very helpful and friendly, in case you have anything you would like to add to your games.
There will be also a companion expansion soon.
I really love these kind of games that let you use all
kind of miniatures and solo too.
This one is definitively one of the best and I really love
the free expansions and support.
If you like a well made 2d6 Rpg, complete with everything, full of options for your characters
(traditional classes or classless) and combat, a non-vancian magic system based on magic points (but you can easy
use a Vancian one if you like), all the traditional monsters, very easy to add your house rules
and with an old school feeling... you have found something that will make you very happy! :)
Really interesting combat system, 4 stars only waiting for the fifth when
full rules for character creation, races, classes, monsters, hazards, magic exc...
will be hopefully soon released.
Also this one goes directly on my top 5 of its kind,
and I've read dozens of them during the last weeks.
Very good in all its aspects, and I love the magic system so much!
I also hope in a physical release and more adventures and monsters
...maybe in Europe to avoid the horrible high shipment costs! :)
Creator Reply: |
Hi, thanks for the review. I would like to let you know there is actually a print version on another PoD website that I don't think I can mention here, but it's a pretty well known one. And we have a G+ community where I post about future releases for the game! |
After a first reading of this DM and the Player guide too, I think that is one of the most beautiful,
well written and complete products of this kind...and in these days I'm reading a lot of them!
I put it in my Top 5 of its niche.
I could say more after a "field" test :)
Creator Reply: |
Thank you!
It has been done as my old school house rules and just as a labor of love! I wanted to make a set of simple rules for a Game Master to just freely create. It runs like an old school game and is made to handle large groups of players, NPCs, and monsters. I am trying to bring back the expeditionary campaigns of old! Please share my rules with friends! |
This is exactly how a "condensed" RPG must be written.
Very light and easy to understand, very well organized,
without lacking any important information and updated at the speed of light!!!
Well done! It's a pleasure to pay for products like this;
and even more pleasure to play it; just read it and then free your
thirst for adventures :)
Wonderful job with these monsters conversion;
the style and everything is simply perfect.
You save me so much time for my solo plays
with my 5e version of Castle Ravenloft board game
and the minis :) I was indeed a bit disappointed not
having found them in the official monster manual!
Thank you so much also for the low and affordable price!
Simply wonderful...this was exactely what I needed
for my 5e conversion of mine Adventure System Game Boards;
Finally I have better traps to drop in my "encounter deck"
with great descriptions and all the Dc, skill ecc...required!
I was expecting much much more for the price...
it adds almost nothing an experienced player can't
do alone with just the basic "core" book...that I already bought it on another site
and the pdf was in black and white without cover!
QUEEM (quick and easy money)
Luckly I've not buy it together with the GM book...
Very interesting and funny solo game.
The only bad things in my opinion are
the too much effort to print it and cut it
and the graphics on some cards...welll I really don't like
some of the cards that look like a bit too much computer colored.
I would have liked more some nice black and white comics style
hand drawings.
Very simple and ready to play game, I like it a lot, but it looks that the designer has stopped to produce
new material, unfortunately.
It has for me just 4 stars because I found the characters a bit unbalanced, the first ones are a bit too weak, on the contrary
the one with the expansions are a bit too strong and the game in general has a bit too much the "lucky roll sindrome".
I'm sure that with further work, it would have been better and better.
I hope to see more expansions in the future.