This one managed to surprise me in alot of ways despite being a veteran of the genre. It takes well known concepts and snaps them together in a unique fashion. Whether it's the (Potentially frustrating) chit draw initiative or the system for getting damage and hit rolls with one roll it manages to stand out.
The core rules play well and lead to some genuinely interesting encounters. Each faction has it's own feel and they present unique challenges. This isn't to say that it's without a little clunkiness here and there, but the experience outweighed th eissues.
The campaign play itself is pretty good. The character growth is fun and there's a great feeling of raising your warband. That said, It benefits from a bit of decision making from time to time. It'll help if you're not afraid to say things like "Oh, this ambush is related to my last quest so I'm facing -that- army". rather than always rolling for opposition.
Overall, I've had a blast with this game and I highly recommend it.