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Publisher: Son of Oak Game Studio
by Ron D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/05/2021 07:04:36

This is a Powerrangers RPG without the license. And to hide that fact they replace good vs evil with gay vs ignorantl Yep ... you read that right. Like the original sin in Christian religion where everyone is seen as in need of absolution because of something that happened in the before times. In this game everyone is ignorant to some degree and only the forces of 'good' can cleanse them of their 'evil'/ 'ignorance'.

I've never read a game that tried to insult its potential audience as this one. No one ever had to write how a game about elves could be played by humans. And the few that were aware that they targeted a difficult subject ... did so without being a dick about it.

This is propaganda posing as a game that screams "to be gay is to be flaming like all the bad gay stereotypes in all the media"

So if you like your gays to be flaming then this is the game for you. If you think that the alphabet-soup people are just like you and me ... then this is not meant for you. Because instead you get insulted for not being gay enough to participate in the team. You get to be an 'ally'. Someone who doesn't get to have the cool powers that the alfabet soup team members of QUEERZ get to use.

But hey ... let's forget the setting and look at the rest. The art is perfect for a flashy gay superhero cliche propaganda leaflet with a game attached.

The rules ? It's 'powered by the apocalypse' so everything is dripping in theme. This is usually a good thing, because games with this system thrive by making everything very thematic. The problem is that it creates weird rules, because in order to 'fix' things you have to 'care' for it, which is typical of thematic PbtA games that try to have all of their cake and eat it. PbtA variants work best when they are aware of their limitations and avoid the need for moves that don't reflect the theme.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
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RPGPundit Presents #2: The Goetia
Publisher: Spectre Press
by Ron D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/10/2017 16:11:58

In need of a demon and the kind of stuff he can do to your victim Eh pc ? Expert GM's may not need this for the summoning spell, but it does have a list of the kind of stuff demons inspired by medieval occult lore could do.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
RPGPundit Presents #2: The Goetia
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RPGPundit Presents #1: DungeonChef
Publisher: Spectre Press
by Ron D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/03/2017 10:12:57

It's short and sweet. If you need a few guidelines on what to tell your players when they decide to snack on a random creature then this will help you. It's nothing a good GM couldn't improvise himself, but to newbies like me it is interesting to see how one could apply rules to this type of question.

It does make me wonder what the fantasy equivalent to a "Bear Grylls' survival handbook" would be like ...

Summary : I'm hungry for more.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
RPGPundit Presents #1: DungeonChef
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