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Karniv's Treasures of Chult - 50 New Magical Items $3.99
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Karniv\'s Treasures of Chult - 50 New Magical Items
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Karniv's Treasures of Chult - 50 New Magical Items
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Tim K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/25/2022 16:55:24

Very well produced, written, and formulated. I also really enjoyed the artwork as found art in the piece. Nice work! ;)

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Karniv's Treasures of Chult - 50 New Magical Items
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Peter K. K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/11/2020 17:27:46

Highly recommend this for Tomb of Annihilation. The items are really thematic and fun, and there's a good variety. This has been the most valuable addon of any that I've downloaded so far for this module.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Karniv's Treasures of Chult - 50 New Magical Items
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Nick S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/16/2018 17:32:32

This makes a nice addition to a ToA campaign. A good variety of items from uncommon to legendary.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Karniv's Treasures of Chult - 50 New Magical Items
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by John W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/06/2018 22:50:37

I picked this up just to see if it had something that might be useful. Turned out that there were several very useful items and many that just add to a roleplay session. I was pleased I picked this one up.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Karniv's Treasures of Chult - 50 New Magical Items
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Jared G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/09/2017 17:20:14

Once again, Terry Herc made another great product. Some of my favorite items are the Chultan Thrower, Deadhead Pennies, 7 Coin Purse, Sweet Necatar, Sphere of the Wretched and of course Yassa's Skull. Everything in the pdf feels like it's from the disant jungle of Chult and has alot of flavor text to back up all of the items. Alot of the pictures are usually jungle themed and well-chosen, although a couple of them may feel a little out of place with their white backgrounds. This doesn't really matter all that much, because the items themselves tend to outshine any design faults.

Terry Herc consistently inspires me to use some of these new and highly creative items in my own homebrew campaigns. I give it a high four, but let's round it up to five.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Karniv's Treasures of Chult - 50 New Magical Items
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Dyer R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/09/2017 16:25:01

Comments for Perspective Purchasers: Anyone reading this, this compendium is 100% worth the $1 asking price, 50 items, all well crafted and well within use, many can easily be adapted to other settings, i garauntee you will find something you like in here, lots of somethings.

Comments for the Creator (aka. Constructive Criticism/Personal Suggestions): Hey dude! Kedas here on my personal account! I know we've been over some specifics of my review so im gonna bullet point the key aspects (which you already know alot of them)

  • Get some space between alot of the images and the text in that book, and your layout and texturing and everything is solid. It looks official and professional without being a copy of an official supplement. (Something i need to work on xD not making all my stuff look like it came out of the players guide!)
  • Blightburn Boots: i dont think it needs to be given a system (advantage on tracking the characters or something like that, i feel may be too strong) but i feel the idea that it would become easier to track someone in these things based on the narrative would be pretty easy, and im not sure if that is something that should be pointed out or not. The big questions id ask is does the protection vs difficult terrain and grapples due to plants and vines extend to magical snares of the same type?
  • Cleaning Scoria: Obvious to me what you mean when correlate the charges to the amount it can purify, but id still suggest rewarding it "comes with [x] charges, each charge can purify 1 litre of water" or something more straight forward to prevent confusion in some circles.
  • Chultan Thrower: I'd strongly suggest attunement, since it returns to hand (and the only example we have for that is the dwarven thrower, which requires attunement)
  • Crystal Mace: Id strongly suggest attunement here again, but thats just based on overall power. this thing in the hands of a fighter with a bazillion attacks is gonna decimate even if they save on every hit and take only half the additional damage, or make it once/turn. just my suggestion. :)
  • Earring of Silence: for the sake of how well it plays with other effects i think its important to note if this item "rendered the character deaf" or applies the "deafened condition to the character" statistically similar, but could be rule lawyered by an annoying player at some tables :)
  • Eye of Ubato: another one of those things where it wouldnt find trouble at my table, but anticipating it may at other's tables as to exactly what the affects and constraints of "remaining placid" are.

Additional Comments

  • OMG I LOVE: All the Mommets, Brass Mosquito, Cleansing Scoria, Deadhead Pennies, Seven Coin Purse, Yassa's Skull
  • Holy SHIT: The shortsword of enfeeblement! First i went "no save? the freaking broken!" then i kept reading and went "...oh... OH GOD" that is not broken but it is the most terrifying risk/reward ive ever seen xD

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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