Another great value item on the 100 Oddities list from Skirmisher. Need a little Chaos in your campaign? This has you covered with the usual 100 Oddities generation tables and a fleshed out system for chaotic features and mutations. At 30 pages this is a great deal with some cool ideas to create something horrible to throw at, or grow on, your player characters. Pick it up and add it to your GM library. Check out the other Skirmisher titles in this line up too. They are all awesome.
I had the pleasure of play testing this game with its creator while it was in its various stages of development. It is a fast paced, mini-skirmish game with a unique Norse fantasy flavour that is easy to set up and doesn't require a major investment in terrain or figures. You can go as elaborate as you want with your table top for the battle setting, or strip it down to the absolute basics and be ready to play in minutes. Because the rules support any proxy miniatures you choose to use, there is a lot of flexibility on that end as well. If you're on a budget, plastic minis from any tabletop game are suitable, or if you want to satisfy your viking bloodlust a little further, you could skip over to the Baelor Miniatures or Armor Cast online stores and get some nicely sculpted figs. there. Skirmisher also produces a line of nice paper miniatures that would work great as well.
During the many play tests, I didn't feel weighed down by a clunky rules set, and the different Norse themed factions made the playability a lot of fun. I commanded Giants, Trolls, Huldrfolk and Eirik Wyrmson's band of warriors, each with a different style based on their tactical strengths. Each time the game was played using a mix of miniatures from a wide range of brands and this had no negative effect on gameplay. It was nice to see the rules had been structured with this in mind.
The play testing was my first real foray into tabletop miniature wargaming. Being a newbie, finding a rules set that was not intimidating and quickly learned was a good experience. However, there is enough in the way of variety and themes with a new (and old) historical fantasy twist, that experienced wargamers will find plenty to keep them entertained. The Norse setting and use of the unique sounding names flowing from that culture and mythology also lend a sense of realism. The content has obviously been well researched and this helps make the game come alive for players. Particularly, the choice to set the game during the time of the brutal Fimblvintr (a terrible magical winter that will not end, heralding the beginning of the viking Ragnarok apocalypse) struck a chord with me, as it lent a sense of desperate urgency and grittiness to the stories played out on the battle map.
This is an affordable, extremely enjoyable table top war game that will be a fresh experience for long time gamers, as well as a good jumping on point for players new to this kind of hobby. Get it and enjoy.
Just read this piece of short fantasy/horror fiction. A nicely crafted tale and just long enough. The author's obvious familiarity with the historical period and nautical terminology comes through strongly. It lends a sense of historical authenticity that pervades the story. This helps give an overall sense of verisimilitude to the setting.
Having done a limited amount of sailing in my youth, I could clearly visualize the action and events. The story achieves what any author hopes for, it gives the reader all five of the senses and therefore places them at the heart of the events.
It also blends two genres very well with some unexpected results; historical fantasy and eldritch horror. For fans of the pulps, all of the essentials are here; a stalwart hero facing seafaring danger and desperate, bloody hand to hand combat in an unforgiving environment as likely to kill as the enemy. Here too you get a mythos style melding of Greek lore and Lovecraft.
This is a great piece of debut short fiction from Clint Staples. Let's hope we see more in future.
Buy and enjoy!
Anotherr great supplement and addition to the 100 Oddities series by Skirmisher. I really loved a lot of the content in this entry, being quite taken with Viking mythology. There are suggestions for themed encounters which can be cherry picked or randomly rolled using the d100 mechanic. There are also good suggestions for flavour which can be worked into any ongoing fantasy campaign/adventure with a little tweaking depending on rules system prefernces. A lot of the offerings are really good idea generators; I especially love the crone's pie warming on a window sill.
As with all of the 100 Oddities series, you are getting a lot of good material in a very compact and reasonably priced product. Well done Skirmisher :) Keep them coming.
Another great entry in the 100 Oddities series. The ever sought after treasure hoard and loot is too often treated as a casual tally or inventory list that is handed out after a challenge is completed or a monster defeated. This GM supplement turns a treasure room into a series of potential plot hooks, dangers or just "odd" gems to entertain and engage players. Counting coins and valuables was never quite so strange... Recommended along with all the other Oddities supplements.
A very well written handbook that provides a wealth of detail and background for creating interesting characters for the Kos setting using the BASH Fantasy system. I liked the obvious effort put into creating a historical fantasy flavour for players while still working in several of the standard and well-loved fantasy races (orcs and elves for example). It also presents players with some different races that I thought were cool options. The Cynocephalians for example; who wouldn't want to play a sword wielding, jackal-headed warrior? The Arachnaean and Centaurian races round this out with two other options to create some further diversity amongst PCs. There is effort made to give each of these races a back story as opposed to just making them a block of stats. I really liked how everything has a very ancient feel flavoured by Greek mythology, which ties directly to the equally well written and developed Swords of Kos campaign setting (check it out). Although this is called a player's handbook, there is a lot of rich stuff here for the GM as well. The races and information in the book give GMs ready made social and historical material with which to populate and add depth to their campaign. Even if the races aren't chosen by players, they could easily be used to present interesting encounters and adventure hooks. Extremely fairly priced, this is a real bargain. Hats off to the boys and girls at Skirmisher for another quality product.
Very cool adventure with the real "Bad Santa". Recommended to anyone who wants a little different Christmas story.
Awesome campaign setting with strong world building elements. Great for heroic fantasy. Very fairly priced as well.
Good supplement with cool monsters. I would recommend this to GMs and players who are looking for something different and interesting.
Another winner from Skirmisher. A great resource for GMs who are looking to create memorable world and environment for their players. Recommended.
Creator Reply: |
Tom, we are glad the previous version of this book was useful to you and very much hope you are enjoying the revised, re-edited, and expanded edition of it that we just released even more! |
All of the "Oddities" offerings from Skirmisher are awesome. They give GM's great ideas for random strangeness, intrigue and adventure that can be injected into a game campaign/setting. With some tweaking the oddities could even be adapted to an array of RPG settings. Great for plot and adventure hooks as well. Highly recommended.
All of the "Oddities" offerings from Skirmisher are awesome. They give GM's great ideas for random strangeness, intrigue and adventure that can be injected into a game campaign/setting. With some tweaking the oddities could even be adapted to an array of RPG settings. Great for plot and adventure hooks as well. Highly recommended.
All of the "Oddities" offerings from Skirmisher are awesome. They give GM's great ideas for random strangeness, intrigue and adventure that can be injected into a game campaign/setting. With some tweaking the oddities could even be adapted to an array of RPG settings. Great for plot and adventure hooks as well. Highly recommended.
All of the "Oddities" offerings from Skirmisher are awesome. They give GM's great ideas for random strangenessa dn intrigue that can be injected into a game campaign. With some tweaking the oddities could even be adapted to an array of RPG settings. Highly recommended.
Another win by the lads at Skirmisher. This is the second "100 Oddities" supplement I have had the pleasure of looking through. I loved their "100 Oddities for a Graveyard" entry and the Wizard's Tower is no less detailed and useful for GMs. With this book you don't just get the 100 entries for strange things and situations the players may stumble on. You also get additional d20 and d12 tables to help you build the structure, flavour and feel of the Tower. This could be used to help create a careful, pre-planned adventure or used on the fly as a type of "tower randomizer".
The entries on all of the tables included in this book are colourful and have enough detail for plenty of adventure hooks or just cool random bits that can add to any scenario. Some entries are darkly humorous, others frightening and some just plain weird or disturbing. Perfect!
Check all of these GMing gems by Skirmisher out, they are well worth it and very reasonably priced.