Another solid Skirmisher product!
As you may expect, the Kobold Lair comes with a map so even if, for whatever reason, you did not want to run the adventure as is you have a nice map for starters. And it IS a nice map, it is clear and sharp, the usual quality Skirmisher produce. Also, and I wish more companies would do this, there are two versions of the map - one for players and a different/fully detailed one for the DM. I cannot tell you how frustrating it is when other notable companies come out with an adventure and the map has a huge spoiler (e.g. trap or secret door) that you cannot hide from the PCs without having to create your own map instead.
I like the General Features descriptions. With so many 5e products, even the official ones, they tend to skimp on content here and 'leave it up to the DM'. Skirmisher have intelligently thought of as many situations as would be reasonable to expect and given advice on how to run the encounter. In fact, whilst this product is for everyone of course, I would say it is of particular use to new DM's. After all, the foes are relatively low level, it would make a good entry level session. The stat blocks are nicely produced where you need them in an easy to use format. I will just add there are some great new creatures with new abilities and not give away more than that.
It's kind of difficult to say much more without spoiling the adventure but it was a great read, cannot wait to surprise my players with it. 24 pages of content for the price is very good quality, art is as fantastic as always.
Perfect Companion to Vikings for Ragnarok which I also highly recommend. I can now have fights between the two! Packed full of useful info and gorgeous art, what's not to love?
Wonderful publication! I was so engrossed in this that I lost track of time and nearly forgot to review it. The art is amazing, anyone who has seen Amanda's other work for Skirmisher will already know what to expect - I've always loved the illustraions of Paros & co in the Necropolis and other Kos-related productions.
The story itself is very engaging, don't want to give anything away but it's a fascinating read with its own mythology that is thoughtfully explained in the appendix. The characters are very likeable and very realistic, there's a good mixture of humour and emotion. However, much as I like the people it's the background and scenary details that I absolutely love. So much thought and care has gone into the world we see, I want to have adventurtes there!
Great read, thoroughly recommend it.
I have every Oddity in the series, so I knew what to expect from this publication and Skirmisher do not disappoint. I love all the tables in this product, not just the 100(+) oddities themselves, for instance - there are tables for random animals and creatures that have been affected. These tables are jam-packed with inspiration for DMs to come up with challenges for their parties. As I read through the lists, my mind came up with a dozen springboards for adventure just based on the creatures themselves. So many wonderful ways to use this product; I can see new bad wild magic effects, botched potion results, boons and curses from dark patrons as well as the warping effect of chaotic magic itself. It's such good value for money. If you have any of the other oddities, you know how good this will be, and if you don't - what are you waiting for?
Delighted to have this worthy addition to the Oddities series.My players always seem to end up in this environment so I know I will get a lot of use out of this.
All the usual great Skirmisher features are here; clear fonts, inspiring ideas and superb artwork. 5 Stars!
Fantastic product, worthy brother to the previous ones by Skirmisher. Art is superb. Was not expecting places and people as well so that was a nice surprise.
Another superb entry into the oddity series. The usual creative smorgesbord is here with ideas aplenty. Legend checks add a layer of extra depth, giving lore and plot hooks to some extra special items. I think my favourite is 31, a golden Idol with a very familiar sounding name. At the back of the list are some tables to generate random coinage which I particularly like.
Buy it! It's dirt cheap but worth its weight in gold.
What a fantastic little guide this book is. I must mention the art first - it is colorful eye-catching and very evocative of the setting. I can see many of the pictures providing great inspiration for tokens for Roll20 and the like.
The actual book itself is great. It is designed to complement Skirmisher's Swords of Kos setting but can also be used as a standalone product. I can see players of 5e Dark Sun and Al Qadim games finding many uses from the monsters, encounters and table herein.
There is a great overview of the area, including a map, to give you an idea of how the region feels to adventurebe in. The new creatures themselves are wonderfully detailed - the stat blocks are very clear and stand out well from the text (in fact the layout of the whole product is well thought out altogether).
I think my favourite part is the Aigyption Background. There are some great Bonds, Traits, Flaws and Ideals that work really well for this and other games. I don't want to give everything away so I'll leave it there but if you've bought any Skirmisher products you know the high level of quality you'll be getting with this one too for a great price.
Love the ideas, love the art. Some really thought-provoking encounters here to inspire you.
This series is awesome but each product is individual so you do not need to own any of the others to get the full benefit.
My players are just finishing White Plume Mountain and have a forest to return through next week, looks like they will be encountering an oddity or three...
Skirmisher always produce high quality products and this is no exception. I'm delighted that they have embraced 5e Dungeons and Dragons as one of the systems they produce for.
Into the Mines of Moira is a light-hearted, high-action adventure in an unusual but familiar dungeon-style setting. The first thing that strikes you is the quality of the art; the illustrations, both colour and black and white, are exceptional and the map is clear and easily understood. There's even the potential to develop the area further if one so wished, due to its open ended nature. The story itself has some great comedic moments and yet also provides a serious challenge to players. Set in the iconic Swords of Kos Campaign Seeing, the adventure can very easily be slipped into anywhere with minimal change. To say more would be to give too much away but there is plenty of material here for any GM to make use of, the pregens inthe appendix are a particular highlight.
Love the art, love the subject matter. Greek mythology has always fascinated me and Michael writes with such authority and detail I almost forgot I was reading a work of fiction. The locations involved are so accurately described, it would be easy for any GM to recreate the setting for their own adventures. Great stuff!
Too busy laughing to write a sensible review, buy it you won't be disappointed!
Oh wow, so pleased I purchased this. With Skirmisher you always know you will be getting a quality product and these cardstock characters are no exception. Teaming up with Amanda Kahl from Age of Night fame was an inspired decision, love her artwork on the Kos Necropolis titles and was pleasantly delighted that these minis retain the same high standard of art. Ideal for Kos campaigns of course but a fantastic edition to any cardstock set. It's worth it just for the Undead Cerberus alone!