This is a super lite fantasy offering in the vein of 0-e of the original RPG. In it you will find ideas for the standard races and classes found in most fantasy games.
The games hook is that you use a single d6 for all rolls. This means attributes are generated with 1d6, tasks are performed the same way. It is a perfect way of doing things for a pick-up group or even a longer term set of sessions. It is lite enough to allow for quick play but has room to add things as you go.
Very fun and quite worth the read!
And lest I forget... there is a small group dedicated to this game forming up over on G+
Creator Reply: |
Thanks! I'll note that the group has moved to MeWe: https://mewe.com/join/sss |
I'm a solid fan of the '100 Oddities' line of prodcuts and this one is no different. This time the people at Skimisher Publishing delve into lost desert tombs and dig up all sorts of odd things. There is a wide variey of Oddities from enchanted canopic jars to a depressed and deeply flaws sphynx.
As always, the idea is to help GM's create points of interest in their campaign. What I really like with this one is many of the Oddities can really be expanded upon beyond a single interaction. Some could generate several sessions of fun. Some can be used as the keystone for entire adventures.
That's the best feature of the '100 Oddities' line... creative ideas.
While the Egyptian astetic isn't one I usualy use, I can certainly glean some fun ideas from this product.
Well worth picking up.
A lot of the recent G-Core releases have featured 'small' groups. Those that are a threat, but can be defeated with enough effort. The Eternal Church of Life may just defy that. The Church is one of the Guardian Universe's most widespread factions and one of my favorites.
This product has a myriad of details about the Eternal Church of Life. It fleshes out the Anti-Prime, it's leader and an immensly powerful being in his own right. It also talks about the heirarchy of the Church and how it handles different circumstances. There are stats for all sorts of Chruch member, ranging from simple cannon-fodder types through incredibly potent titans that crush the Anti-Prime's enemies.
Most importantly, there is an excellent backstory about the Church and its leader. Jay fills in the spaces hinted at before while creating a great faction. The Ethernal Church of life can fill all sorts of niches in a campain from a simple threat to an overwhelming power that can destroy the universe.
Well worth the price.
As with the rest of the G-Core line, I enjoyed Commander Megaton. Jay takes a bit of a departure from the 'typical' G-Core model with this one. Instead of providing a lot of background material and a few characters, this one is all about the characters. There is only a short blurb about what's happining with the team at the beginning but that doesn't prevent it from being an intersting offering.
The product revolves around Commander Megaton (a mutant hedgehog with a penchant for violence) and her team of superhumans. They range from aliens that can calculate any possiblity to a being that can absorb any living creatire. The characters presented are intersting to read and there are plenty of fun things going on.
The main reason for the 4-star rating over a 5 is the lack of interaction between team members. What I mean is that since there is little overall background there isn't a lot of feel for how well the team operates as a whole. There are some connections made, but not enough for my tastes. It is mentioned that Jay plans to use the team as the basis for an upcoming session at a gaming convention. I imagine this is part of it, but it still feels a bit lacking in this regard.
Overall though, I think it's a fun product. The characters are intersting and could be used for most any type of supers campaign power level.
In this G-Core supplement, Jay ups the danger and intrique in his setting. The overall timeline has moved up several years and lots of things hae changed. A new president, laws and organizations have come to light while old groups struggle to ke it together. This is a great place for people new to the Guardian Universe setting to get started. While other products would be helpful, there is enough info provided to jump right in. As always the characters are easily converted to other systems and there are tons of ideas to mine.
The main reason I like this so much is that it is a love letter to things like 'Days of Future Past', the Ellis storylines in 'Stormwatch' and many other distopian supers comics. His writing has tightened up and his art is more dynamic than I've seen before.
The newest "100 Oddities" is especially fun. It covers everthing from run-ins with strange critters, to strange sounds that echo throughout the area. As with all the 'Oddities' book, the entries can be used with any genre.
I've used some of the 'Oddties' products in my own game sessiion and they have helped me come up with things in a bind. There are more than enough entries found within to flesh out whatever mold-infetsted tunnels a party may find themselves in.
Well worth the purchase price!
Every year, around this time Jay releases a new edition of Monsters Twilight. These annual releases showcase a bit of the Guardian Universe that stands out for it's 'scare factor'. No supers world is complete without at least a touch of horror. Monsters Twilight 8 does a good job of adding it this year.
The premise is simple. An ancient artifact has been awakened and it's ability to raise the dead has become something of a... problem. Long dead Heroes have returned but are tainted by evil power.
As I said, it's a simple premise, but a fun one. Jay takes some standard faire and roughs it up a bit. The resurected Heroes are recognizable, yet have their own unique feel. Even the source of the trouble is interesting enough to inspire different campaigns that continue from here.
As with the other "100 Oddities..." titles, this product is designed to help GM's create more unique encounters. "100 Oddities for a Treasure Horde" is chock full of great items. Items that are much more than just a pile of coins and a handful of gemstones. This product is great for GM's in a hurry or need a special item in a pinch. This lets the GM create fun treasure hordes, great or small, that are as interesting as the players.
Another great set of random tables from Skirmisher Publishing and well worth the price.
Homegrown Heroes is designed to help Players detail out brand new characters without becoming bogged down in unnecessary work. The premise is to create the G-Core fantasy equivalent of "0-Level" characters. As is always the case with G-Core based products it is easy to use and contains a great deal of information in a few pages.
Homegrown Heroes details the character's humble beginnings with a series of random-roll tables. These table present everything from the type of family the character was born into, to their personal status at the beginning of the campaign. It also presents a number of Metier's, or professions, that the character can start with. Each Metier's gives the character their base skills, starting equipment, and a special trait.
The only downside is that there isn't a random table for generating the characters metier. This is a minor quibble really. If possible I would give Homegrown Heroes a 4.5 rather than the 4 stars I rated it as.
All in all a great addition to anyones Stairs of the Immortal, or other fantasy based, game.
100 Oddtities for an Enchanted Forest tackles the challenge of helping create interesting woodland encounters on the fly. It is designed to be used quickly, leaving the GM with more time to plan other activities.
There are a multitude of entries ranging from encountering a Troll happily munching on a Fairy King to those that detail the impending doom of an approaching Wild Hunt. The best part is that the ideas presented can be used as simple 'spot' encounters or as fodder for entire sessions.
I truly enjoy this product. As a GM that seldom has time to prepare much ahead of time, this will help make over-land adventures more memorable and allow me to concentrate on what's important. The fun of all.
Balston Group Module ROGUES is a direct follow up to Jay's last release. In the Baslton Group Module we learned more about the inner working of the multinational organization. We learned the whose-who of the company heirachy. We also know that for all it's faults, the Balston Group is still dedicated to the greater good.
That's where the ROGUES come in. They are the shadow to the Balston Groups relative light. They are what happens when intellect is left alone to create as it will. ROGUES details several groups that hold to these tennents. They range from fully converted cybernetic Yakuza to Russian weapons systems. There are also examples of what happens with the ultra-intelligent begin dabbling in gene-splicing.
All in all I give Balston Group Module ROGUES a 4-star review. More of a 4.5 to be honest.. The only downside I see to it is it needs the previous module for background information. This isn't 100% necessary, but more of a personal, completionist point of view.
Overall another quality G-Core product.
This product is brimming with background information. This product is different than nearly all other G-Core products. Most G-Core releases highlight the superheroes and villains of the Guardian Universe. The Baslton Group Module takes an existing company and expands it's info ten-fold.
The Balston Group is a massive, multi-national conglomerate. It fits a necessary role in any supers type of game, that of the Evil Corporation. But it does more than simply flesh out a bit of info and provide readers with a character or two. This product shows where Balston Group shines... in its multitude of subsidiaries. Each branch of the Balston Group is detailed. They are all fleshed out to provide readers with a great feel of everything the Balston Group can do, and what its up to.
Each subsidiary has a brief section covering what it 'does'. Some are geared toward healing the sick, some toward saving the Earth and some toward space exploration. The company is listed with a brief write-up of its backgrounds, it's key members and anything it is specifically known for. The star of this is the slew of important people that are featured. They don't wear capes but are still quite important. Each company has 1 (sometimes more) key employee that is given a great deal of attention. This information is great for GM's who want a better feel for the direction that subsidiary is going and for those that just need inspiriation.
The Balston Group Module is great. It does something that most other games gloss over and does it in an easy to digest way.
One of the things I like most about Skirmisher Publishing is the amount of detail they put into a product. In the Player's Guide to the Aegean we are presented with all manner of options for character creation. This product presents a myriad of ideas ranging from the various Human nationalities to their take on elves and dwarves. There are also 'monstrous' creatures like centaurs as character options.
I really enjoy this product. It is written with BASH in mind but it can be used as a resource for most any fantasy game. The versatility and detail lend themselves well to translating to other games.
Well worth the investment.
I like my supers with an Iron Age feel. Where things aren't black or white and every action has a reaction. SpyCorps is a great addition to anyone that likes spies, sneaking around, assassinations and world-class treachery. There is a detailed write-up of the SpyCorps and its important staff members. There are several potent NPC's that would make excellent foils for a group of do-gooders.
Additionally there is a new character type: the Hellbrand. This allows Players to whip up characters like Spawn to rip into villains... or the good-guys.
Krampusnacht: Knight of the Krampus is a fun little adventure. It starts off a bit light but as the story progressess it gets quite deadly. It is designed to use in 3 acts (sessions) but can easily be modified other types of Gaming Nights. The art fits the feel of the product and the production values are quite good, something that is normal for Skirmisher Publishing.
A fun little product that can bring a bit of the bizarre to the holiday season. Well worth picking up.