Loved the art, used it extensively in a game last week and the players loved it! Good size pieces that covered most of the rooms in one sheet, including bending a row up for the walls. A best buy even if it is free.
very small and cartoonish in presentation best I can say is it was free
A basic geomorph tile. Room sizes were small with the largest being 5 X 6 blocks
Art was in keeping with Blue Dongeon tiles, but a bit simplistic for use on a battel mat. Also decor is a bit of a misnomer as I do not think of balistae and mine carts as decor.
Good quality art, nice 3-D presentation, relatively easy to build. Selection was a bit weak, but it was free.
This was a bit different than what I expected, but in a good way. It was a bit dark, but the roleplaying oppertunties are great and the overall product was well thought out. I have an ongoing campagin and had already introduced a hook for a similar module. Upon reading this product, it had much more depth thatn the original and I now plan to use it as a second layer to the wererat problems. The mapping was detailed and creative. I would reccomed this product as a good value.
Creator Reply: |
Thank you for the recommendation, Alex! |
A great add to the GM's toolbox! This d100 chart allows a bit of curiosity and whimsy to be added to any treasure. I like that many of the netires can become plot hooks if desired, and if not they are just curiosities. 10 of 10
A quick one off advernture. This is a bit sparse on the cohesion that some of the others in this series have had. I do like that it makes the players make some moral decissions. 7 of 10
This is a great series of short adventures. This one might be a bit tough to fit into an ongogin campagain, but as it says it is a great starting point. I like the fact that it forces palyers to be creative in solving issues like a lack of weapons, armor and food. Not quire the standard shipwreck advenbtrue. I would recommend it as it is well thougth out, provides the GM with just enough to make it play smoothly and quickly. 8 of 10
This map provide a bit more detail on the Western Karak than the Rhadamanthia Continental map, but nowhere near as much as the level found in the original Wilderlands sets. It does provide a geographical framework for the GM to extend the wilderlands world to the east of Tranatnis and the maps to the sout on the eastern edge of the original widlerland series. Be advised this is a map and only a map, there is no description (villages, lurid lairs, islands, etc.) like is propvided in the orognal Wilderland series.
This provides a great deal of information on the overall world layout, and how the better known maps of the wilderlands fit into the rest of the world. Due to the scale, there is a diminished level of detail. That being said the map still provided an excellent contect for the main Wilderland maps. It also allows the GM to handle the situation where the player travel off the edge of the known world!
This is a very detailed view of the Tharbian culture. It is a must for anyone intendng to play characters in the Wilderlands and within that culture. I could see this adapting easily to any nomadic horse based culture as well. I don;t see this as a game aid in the sense of an adventure, unless you were to have your players encounter a tribe of Tharbians in the wilderness, and ther eit would probably take some special circumstances to prevent a brawl to the death. Being a huge fan of the Wilderlands series I found this added depth to Tharbian race and I am now applying some of this even to the city dwellers of Tharbian decent.
The oddities section is a great playing aid, providing mundane to minimal powered items that add character and intrrigue to a rooms. The rooms and entrance/exit sections I did not find as useful. If my players are in a wizard's tower, I generally have designed that tower and am not looking for a random mix of elements.
Think the thought put into it. Will work well in the sewers of my current campaign. One issue the collapsing bridge is not well explained--how does she cross?
Not exceptional, but for free a very fine product. I can see it adding a whole new aspect to my setting--rare coin and coin collecting markets. Of course this would be after the legal issues of trying to pass an unknown gold coin as legal tender!