This supplement is a little hit and miss. By and large the authours were guided more by the role-playing aspects of the game than the combat ones. I for one loved that, even if it does lead to some underpowered character builds.
But in the same supplment the authours went and designed the Circle of the Harvest Druid; a subclasses which steaks the extra spells of the Land Circle, the level 10 transformation of the Moon Circle and the Divine Smite of the Paladin. Now in my opinion, Druids are already OP, but this subclass is OP on steroids! Put one of these in your team and the DM has absolutely no chance. The Way of the Changing Tides monk is similarly overpowered, but only at level 17 when it gains an instakill ability. The rest of the build is nicely balanced and seems like fun. I suggest that a DM simply rebalance the final ability to thier tastes.
All in all, I think there is a lot of good ideas in this supplement, but no DM should allow one of their PCs to use the Circle of the Harvest Druid. That sublclass needs to be reserved for the odd high-level NPC and/or villian.
All in all this is a fun little extra to SKT, and it does give your players an oppurtunity to take on a giant or two in an encounter that isn't designed to be completely overwhelming (as the module does).
However, it might be a little difficult to weave into your narrative if you are actualy playing SKT. The events at the beginning of the module pre-suppose a particular resolution to the events of Chapter 1: A great upheaveal. And further than that it asssumes that the players took an overall "good approach" to those events. However, chapter 1 of SKT gave nuetral and evil players more than enough oppurtunities to act according to those inclinations and if your players did take advanatge of those oppurtunities then you as the DM are going to have to be rewriting an awful lot of the NPC interactions to make this one work.
That said, if you don't mind the extra work, it's a fun distyraction from the main quest
All in all this seems comes across as a fun build; it's very much a warlock that doesn't want to be commited to a defined contract as such. As such it has a great deal of versatility in terms of character design for the actual player, but does not hinder the player's ability to move their character in a new direction later in the game.
The Spiritual Gifts though need a little fine-tuning; it just feels a little unfinished with only two options
I liked how for once the Ranger Class did not seem to get the short-end of the stick (a bugbear of mine). I would just suggest the following tweaks to the Sylvan Knight's Pact Leader ability: 1) that the feature kicks in when the Ranger is in their favoured terrain OR tracking thier favorite enemy. Needing to be tracking your favoured enemy in your favoured terrain makes the ability seem too niche and strikes me as a level up-grade where the Ranger effectively gets nothing. 2) It should grant advanatge on Stealth and no Survival checks, but not to Nature. Stealth is DEX-basded, Survival WIS-basd; two arrears in which Rangers traditionally excel, but Nature is INT-based (an area which is easily overlooked by most Rangers).
My favorite find of the last month; we've been testing out a few of the builds in our sessions over the last month. Loving the monk builds which give a lot of much needed variety, but I do think the ranger classes need some work - as usual they seem to get the shortend of the stick; Rangers are the one class I think that needs to have their battle abilities ramped up more, their tracking abilities are not OP enough to justfy their inability to hold their own in battle encounters
Just as satifying and as helpful as the first Toolkit... love how much is in one place.
So nice to find an adventure that is designed to be kid-friendly. I loved it and so did the kids! Also... the advaneture is quite a sneaky way to sneak some maths problems into it (at least in the beginning)... the kids thought they were having fun, but a good 30 minutes of that was them checking the word problem I did to calculate time and sitance travelled while on the ship (which I had intentionaly gotten wrong)
Creator Reply: |
Oh wow, I'm so thrilled that you had great fun running this adventure with your group of children! It makes me so happy that the next generation is getting introduced to D&D in such a fun and wonderful way! |
More or less generic; it did not give any information that was not avaialble in the PHB if I remember correctly. If people are paying for it, the value-add has to be greater than "I saved you a few page flips". Could probably be fleshed out by coming up with a list of "special moves" each build would enable to do based on their fightnng style beyond just attacking??
On the whole I love this build, but I will admit that the Level 14 ability to flail your arms wildly and possibly impose the frightening condition seems an ill-fit ay Level 14 when most of the creatures you run up against have a more than descent shot of making their save. Seems like a waste of a action when one can least afford it. We've amended that ability to do thunder damage (steming from the blundebuss way ducks quack when aggress) to Xd4 worth of psychic damage (where X is equal to the PCs proficiency bonus) and still requiring a WIS save. On a success the target takes half that damage, on a fail they take the full damage and becomes frightened.
Also - the art by Joma Cueto is just breath-taking!
Great concept - very well thought out! I feel like this is how the Beastmaster Class should be run; i.e. as in your beast companion can achieve stronger and stronger stats. Great work and a great way to add some flavour to my baddies... or at least my not-so-goodies
Creator Reply: |
Thank you for your review |
Quickly becoming my go to monk - my only piece of advice is that (I feel) there should be four stance choices at each level. This gives the player a choice to build upon the element they have chosen or to diversify into another element.
I just love the creativity in this and my players love it when I throw a battle-hippie at them (all three of which have come from this guide)
Creator Reply: |
Very much appreciated! If you like this book, I just recently finished the Archetypes for Weirdos series and compiled them all into one giant PDF that you can download for free here! Their's 36 free subclasses to play around with!
https://www.dmsguild.com/product/271509/Archetypes-for-Weirdos-36-Homebrew-Subclasses?src=by_author_of_product |
Aside from the fact that the half-borns usign this guide will be nerfed out of a stat point and a racial feature in the beginning - it think it's a great race. We decided to get around this by amending the suggestions a little. Stat bumps as per main race (i.e. Halfling) + the suggestions in this guide + racial feat in the subrace (i.e. Hill Dwarf). I found it made my players more likely to actually make use of a mixed-race character beyond the half-elf and the half-orc in the PHB
However, Largelings... love 'em What a name... quickly becoming a staple of my Universe(s)
Creator Reply: |
Hey thanks for using Duality, altering the rules to suit your table is 100% the way to go - every table is unique after all. :) |
Not sure what can be improved. I loved it, my PCs loved it... the nearby swamps are infested with these spore creatures which is forcing a tentative alliance btw the lizardfolk and the villagers - whoever though we'd see the day!
I loved this! I have the devil's own time coming up with new weapons beyond those in the PHB - especially for my poor poor Monks. This did all the heavy lifting for me, plus I love how the special properties translated to special moves that could be performed with each weapon. Only other suggestion is maybe to include a picture of what the various weapons look like to save us the 5 - 10 minutes that my players all dive onto the internet to see what their new shiny looks like