Very happy to see a 5E solo adventure. As a lifelong dm (never a player) I jumped at the chance to check this play format. I made the purchase with low expectations TBH. Full disclosure, I am about half way through the module and will update the review once complete.
The writing (superb), maps, and overall presentation are excellent. Just how well the product executes the solo adventure format is where the most recognition is deserved. Navigation through the story while making use of the maps works well.
I rolled up a 2nd level char and jumped into the adventure where I was rolling the dice quickly and often. Naturally, a solo adventure is going to have some limited narrative options, but I felt like my rolls and choices were meaningful.
For me, any future chapters/modules will be an automatic buy.
Another hidden feature, is this is a perfect format to introduce younger players to DnD. No need to worry about rulebooks and overwhelming choices if an experienced player guides them through this first adventure. I plan to run this as a guided DM for a 9yr old and will report back!
BTW, can I get the full map?