I like it! The module offers about 2 - 3 h of gameplay for a single player experience.
The product consists of several maps and a pdf containing instructions and the module text itself. The story is interesting and well written. You might want to have the Player's Handbook available for the full experience, but it is not absolutely required (Basic rules are sufficient). You start the adventure with a 2nd level character.
Since this is a single player adventure I was a bit concerned about balance... The module tries to include stealth and trapfinding suprisingly well, although there are a tad too many traps in my opinion. Anyway, for me it was way too easy. A played a Paladin and thanks to my high AC the majority of enemies had almost no chance to hit me. Thanks to Protection from Evil the boss fight was no challenge either. Finished the module without the need to rest and at 19/20 hp. Admittetly, I was lucky with my perception rolls to avoide traps, but still. I guess this module is much more difficult if playing a wizard or sorcerer.
The reason I am rating this at 4 of 5 stars is the current price of 10 $. I can see that a lot of work was put into this product, but having beaten the adventure on my first try, the replayability for me is low. Also, if you are willing to read a spoiler see below.
There is another thing which I did not like. After defeating the Death Knight I could not permanently kill him because I had not found the stake from the red tree yet. There was no option to return to the forest, find it and put an end to the poor undead. There was no option to chain the Death Knight or lock him up until I have the stick. There was no option to otherwise bring peace to the lost soul. I had Holy Water available which I could have used to completely dissolve him while he was helpless. There is a temple of the god of light not far from the final boss fight. Why not bring the poor Undead there and bury him properly? There is also a blessed stream, why not just dump the defeated Death Knight into it? Dungeons and Dragons is a game of possibilites and this just wasn't covered here. Instead my Paladin was FORCED by text to STEAL a horse from a farmer. What the heck? My character is a Paladin, stealing would never be an option. What's on top: The Death Knight uses a +1 magical sword to attack. I even has a name: Hellreaver. Guess what: There is no option to loot the Death Knight after the battle...
So, I did not like the end. but the rest of the module was nice :)