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D&D Solo Adventure: The Death Knight's Squire
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Jorun M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/28/2023 04:52:40
  • A Death Knight should be way more dangerous - the stats have been watered down so that the Knight may be defeated more easily. Of course a DM or game designer might decide to adapt the monsters or bend a rule, but the hitpoints have been decreased A LOT (I was tempted to write the exact stats but I don't want to ruin the fun for anyone). A Death Knight is also meant to have a bunch of spells (again no spoilers).

  • I walked straight into the Death Knight after what felt like a few rounds. I would have loved to play for at least three hours. I think it should be a bigger challenge to find the final encounter - it felt a bit like a walk in the park. My horse was killed right at the beginning and my Barbarian went from 22 - 9 HP. I was also lucky with a couple of D20:s but it still felt way too easy.

The storytelling was fine and I really like the system with the maps, so I might still try out other games from this series. I'm also thinking of using my own Monster Manual for calculating opponents - or swap to creatures with stats that match those given in the game.

Finally: I loved that someone designed a game that may be played with D&D 5E - I'm DM:ing two groups right now and it can be fun to be a solo player as well.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
D&D Solo Adventure: The Death Knight's Squire
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