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EZD6 Book of Quests
by Stuart G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/12/2023 01:07:29

After playing 2 sessions with his Quests I can say I like DM Scotty's EZD6 a whole lot. It is now my 'go to' for anytime friends want to try an RPG. It's too early to say if i love it, but it's very good, the dice mechanics are familiar and simple. The player agency of earning and spending karma is simply genius. However, like Warhammer 40k if you keep rolling 1s you're f---ed, as you only get 1 reroll. It can be refreshed but at great cost you might not live that long. Mosters are abstract enough you could do any old DnD module pretty much, just fudge the 'strikes' and 'to-hit', add a couple special powers and that's it. But wait no stats ??Anyone who wants to make this game more complex with their own additions can but I 100% agree with Scotty that some things are missing for a very good reason so hold your horses until you play it. That said, hacks and mods are easy enough to add, for example, to get more re-rolls if you choose to take a bane or worse, a PBtA vibe of 'partial success' if you roll exactly the number needed to succeed rather than above it, or even armor 'wear and tear' and broken swords. I can also see how this translates to other genres, you just need a few different 'hero paths' and aspects. Great job!

So as far as the Quests themselves I also think it is borderline genius the way they are laid out, 1 or 2 maps, a list of the important characters, and the suggested path(s) to the end/boss. Also d20 'clues' which I never rolled for I just pick the one that makes most sense for the story. Yes, hell yes. I think this is such a superior format to 'old school modules'. That said this book will put your DM/GM/RR skills to the test as if the players veer of course you will need to improvise quickly because there isn't else much to go on. You will want to EZD6 quests this with Lazy DM's Guide and get a sense of how to (and not to) prepare. For those who don't want moral dilemmas skip a few adventures. If the 'big bad' of what is obviously his table's campaign over the years isn't your jam you can substitute something else easily.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
EZD6 Book of Quests
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D&D Solo Adventure: The Death Knight's Squire
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Stuart G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/04/2023 22:36:34

My first experience with a 'solo 5e' adventure and I was not disappointed. My only complaint with this module was the keyword entry system rather than numbered entries which the author has changed in future releases. Because there is a lot to do, it is definitely replayable. My ending was satisfying but incomplete and left a great adventure hook.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
D&D Solo Adventure: The Death Knight's Squire
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D&D Solo Adventure: Tyrant of Zhentil Keep
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Stuart G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/04/2023 22:33:34

I've played both this one and Death Knight Squire. What I like about this one in comparison the numbering entry system instead of keywords, and it is longer than DKS. What I don't like is a few typos, and it plays more awkwardly, seems unnecessarily wordy at times and 'shoehorns' the reader. As examples: no choice entries that go to another entry with no choices (i.e. 100 to 160 to 295) or forcing you into side quest combats without choice to rest or retreat (i.e. the Bugbears). Despite these quirks it remains a solidly entertaining adventure and worth the price.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
D&D Solo Adventure: Tyrant of Zhentil Keep
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