" Are you ready to alter your experience?
Altrants are defined as groups of humans which have been genetically manipulated to have abilities different than a baseline human. These changes were most often made to allow humans to be able to perform tasks or live in environments which would be difficult or impossible for baseline humans.
Tree of Life: Altrants in Clement Sector details altrants, how and why they came into being, how they deal with humans and uplifts, and what sort of lives they live within Clement Sector. Tree of Life expands on the information provided in Clement Sector and introduces you to new altrant types such the Siren, the Khailt, and the Baaz.
In addition, Tree of Life brings you the ability to not only alter existing human and uplift characters but also provides you with a system to create your own altrant types. Humans in Clement Sector have long had the ability to make alterations to their bodies and now your characters will be able to make changes as well.
Tree of Life is intended for use with the Clement Sector setting and rules but could be easily adapted for use with any science fiction rules or setting."
Tree of Life: Altrants in Clement Sector is an eighty three page book by John Watts for the Clement Sector rpg or Cepheus Engine. The book covers genetically modified colonists, clones, and altrant types for the Clement sector along with uplifted animal types. The book is very much set within the Clement sector & its a very well put together book with rules, roles, and types of options for creating your own specialized altrant types. This is the third edition of Tree of life enabling the DM to keep up with updates to the third edition of the Clement system. Could Tree of Life be used with other 2d6 old school or Cepheus Engine rpg games?! Easily and this is one of the joys of the Tree of Life.
What Tree of Life: Altrants in Clement Sector By John Watts allows the DM to do is to create Altrants to suit their own campaign for both NPC's & for player's PC's. We get a full on treatment of the various abilities, careers, options, roles, & PC trait options. And its well put together with artwork, solid layout, and good cartography throughout. And as an under class the Altrants are both resource & relied upon class for the banks, corporations, and colonies within the Clement system. Tree of Life: Altrants in Clement Sector By John Watts does is present the Altrants in their own book & within their own light.
And even in the Earth sector the Altrants could provide a critical & put upon class of humanoid. Why?! Because the Altrants are fitted out for the nation states of Earth to create their own colonists modified to fit upon their interstellar planetary colonies. They can claim these as their own.
In the Clement sector, the Altrants are the perfect 'Mayflower' colonists shaped to their own environments & making gains on the humans by leaps & bounds over humanity. But all is not 'wine & roses' because the Altrants are starting to realize their own from colonists to gene shaped parts across the Clement sector. Is humanity's days numbered?! Yes & no, because the Altrants are getting thier own in art,politics, and even within the corporate world. Humanity is facing down a power that it has created within its own reach. The economics of the Altrants isn't lost on one whose studied the American Civil War. The Altrants are a power block that affecting far more then they seem. They are not an NPC analogy of the 'American African slave' but instead a true power block created within the Clement sector's humancentric corporate heirarchy. Is Tree of Life: Altrants in Clement Sector Third Edition By John Watts For The Clement Sector rpg worth the price of admission?! In a word yes! The writing is spot on, the interstellar tension rings true within the Clement & Earth sectors. Thanks for reading for reading our review!
Eric Fabiaschi
Swords & Stitchery Blog
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