"The abyssal drake tears into you with it's razor-sharp teeth, dealing 37 points of damage."
"Umm.. that puts me at negative eight."
players gasp
At this point, you would think that the gasps are because the magical powerhouse has been rendered unconscious. But no. It is the sounds of pity, dread, and more than a small amount of glee, as the disfigurement chart is pulled out. Usually unconsciousness results in little more than sitting out the battle until the cleric can reach your fallen character. This has, in fact, been a source of disappointment for me. How can a charater sustain life-threatening injuries and look completely untouched after a quick cure spell? This chart is what I have been hoping for!
For the people who enjoy realism and the ability to spice up the role-playing element, this book is what you need. You will see options for injuries caused by various forms of attacks - piercing, slashing, monster, etc. Some injuries result in a permant stat penalty (and/or loss of a body part), whereas others allow for some major role-playing fun. My character has a scar on her face which has caused a permanent 2-point loss of CHA, which hurts my total score for my dervish dance. Another player landed the coveted disfigurement of always having to talk like Red Fox! Our cleric lost his leg at the hip and had to be carried or propped up in battle. Needless to say, this chart results in not only what could be a devastating injury to your character, but also endless amusement for the rest of the group!
If I had to describe this chart in one word - schadenfreude!
Looking forward to more items from this publisher!