I highly recommend this pack!
For these items Rob takes a lot of what is in the PHB/OGL and makes it a lot easier to reference, I love his format over the default.
- Race Ability Modifiers and Key Class Stats
- Background Proficiencies, Languages, and Features
- Feat List with Benefits
- Spells (And Cantrips) Known, Prepared, Recovery per Class
- Spell List with All Info
- Magic Shops & Random Item Rarity Tables
- Class List Quick Start
Rob also takes some of the defaults and expands greatly with these items:
- 200 Criticals 200 Fumbles
- 200 Wild Magic
- Random Monster Table (FG .mod file ONLY)
If you are looking for a great out of the box, ready to run intro adventure to 5e and FG, then the FGC staple of the Unknown Whom is for you!
- Adventure: Unknown Whom (PDF & FG .mod file)
While I haven't played with the Defiler class, I love the expanded options Rob has with it, it's a neat addition to Homebrew games.
- Defier Class (PDF & FG .mod file)
This little beauty is the gem of the collection, an easy button for Conditions and Effects (and is worth the price of the entire complete works imho) it makes players and DMs lives 100x easier.
- Conditions & Effects (FG .mod file ONLY)
Fantastic Product, well worth the investment!
Fantasy Grounds Random Encounter Generator (FG MOD) - Includes Random Monster Tables (FG MOD)
--Looking for a super effortless way to add encounters to your adventure? Rob has done a fantastic job taking monster tables to the next level - great for an on the fly encounter that requires no prep time.
Fantasy Grounds Random Trap Tables (FG MOD)
--Another fantastic way to run on the fly, are the PCs getting a bit too murder-hobo-y and need a nice little mid-hallway challenge then this is a wonderful way to do that.
Fantasy Grounds Level 1 Pregens (XML Files)
--I love how well setup these Pregens are, it's a wonderful way to get fresh players into the game quick and easily, but they can also be used as great samples for new players wanting to create their own.
Fantasy Grounds Random PC Generator (FG MOD)
--sadly, haven't used this one.
Fantasy Grounds Sounds (FG MOD)
--sadly, haven't used this one.
Dragon Lord Class (PDF & FG MOD)
--while I haven't run this class in game, I loved the detail Rob put into work, very neat addition to your homebrew games.
Reincarnation Race Table (PDF & FG MOD)
---while I haven't used this one in game, it looks like an easy button for Reincarnation - if that's something you are looking to incorporate in your game this is your easy button
These effect codings are fantastic! I don't run a single game without having these enabled, it makes running 5e games in Fantasy Grounds easy and automated! Every DM should own these for their players, hands down, that is unless you like doing things the hard way.
These item codings are fantastic! I don't run a single game without having these enabled, it makes running 5e games in Fantasy Grounds easy and automated! Every DM should own these for their players, hands down, that is unless you like doing things the hard way.
I have yet to run the adventure, so my review is simply based off the Tortle content and a "read" of the adventure.
First off, the proceeds go to charity, that alone means you should buy it, heck I've bought it twice, once here and once on FG
Second off, it adds an awesome new Race - Tortle to the D&D universe and it is completely AL Legal. The initial complaints were "EMERGAHD everyone is going to be running around playing TMNT in my game" but so far, I've yet to see that. I've had maybe one player roll a TMNT like character and they role played it so damn well all it did was add to the game not distract.
The adventure is solid, but sadly being SO far away from Port Nyanzaru it's hard to figure out how and when to fit it into the story - and there are frankly some better introductions to ToA that I have problems using this one as the hook. But the content looks great, good maps, delightful story, well balanced combat.
First, understand all this really is: it is an extension to the dinosaur choices for ToA - there is a little fluff around incorporating dino hunts into your ToA, but the rest is simply an extension of the MM/ToA choices - call it "James & Ruty's Guide to Dinosaurs" - for what it is it's awesome, a great monster expansion with good solid stat blocks and great images that can used to make VTT tokens easily.
I absolutely love these little drop in adventures for ToA - my group has already ran a few and they are a great way to add story and depth to Port Nyanzaru!
I absolutely love these little drop in adventures for ToA - I only wish these were AL legal just like Encounters in Port Nyazaru - for now I just drop these in minus the treasure because they are great ways to spice up my group's travel through the jungle. Hear that #AL_Admins - get this darn thing AL Legal, us DMs are begging you!
These item codings are fantastic! I don't run a single game without having these enabled, it makes running 5e games in Fantasy Grounds easy and automated! Every DM should own these for their players, hands down, that is unless you like doing things the hard way.
These item codings are fantastic! I don't run a single game without having these enabled, it makes running 5e games in Fantasy Grounds easy and automated! Every DM should own these for their players, hands down, that is unless you like doing things the hard way.
These item codings are fantastic! I don't run a single game without having these enabled, it makes running 5e games in Fantasy Grounds easy and automated! Every DM should own these for their players, hands down, that is unless you like doing things the hard way.
These item codings are fantastic! I don't run a single game without having these enabled, it makes running 5e games in Fantasy Grounds easy and automated! Every DM should own these for their players, hands down, that is unless you like doing things the hard way.
These item codings are fantastic! I don't run a single game without having these enabled, it makes running 5e games in Fantasy Grounds easy and automated! Every DM should own these for their players, hands down, that is unless you like doing things the hard way.
These item codings are fantastic! I don't run a single game without having these enabled, it makes running 5e games in Fantasy Grounds easy and automated! Every DM should own these for their players, hands down, that is unless you like doing things the hard way.
These item codings are fantastic! I don't run a single game without having these enabled, it makes running 5e games in Fantasy Grounds easy and automated! Every DM should own these for their players, hands down, that is unless you like doing things the hard way.