An interesting 6+ hour adventure slotted into 4 hours. The idea is interesting, but the middle is pretty much pure fluff and time killer, on an adventure you can't finish in 4 hours.
Spoilers: Cut the whole merfolk portion. Perhaps some other superfluous fights too.
Very memorable boss. Sadly the design of the fight robs most of the challenge. He should have likely been something like CR20 and made into a CR17 for Tier 3, not CR17 and downleveled to CR11ish.
The adventure is cool and my players loved the final fight, even if it ended in round 2. (Our 2nd playthrough killed the boss without him taking a single action).
Like much of this season's content the difficulty is too low, and there are too many fights tiers below the party.
Buy this, buy before you do look at the module art. Compare it to 1980s action movies. Enjoy
Plot and story: 7/5 stars
Adventureres League adventure where the only item in the adventure you can't take, and the module makes no mention of that? No money, no magic items, no... : 2/5
Guild Adept, AL legal content done right. It is substantive, paid attention to player rewards like money and items and told a great story. I cannot recommend enought. The only criticism I have is that a lot of the early fights are not likely going to challenge a party of appropriate level.
I bought this for both my home campaigns, and Adventureres League.
There are some balance issues with certain abilities, which may or may not have made it through a traditional publishing/playtesting model. They are however quite fun.
The included adventure is interesting, but the oversight on player rewards like money and items is glaring.
Much better than Enounters in Port Nyanzaru for AL play. The encounters are cool, they reward players well, and they add a lot to an otherwise depopulated part of the ToA hardcover. The only negative I would state is that, again, the Adventurers League eratta is not included. In this case I did not down rate it.
Very well done. There is a lot here, so preread it a couple of times before running it.
I wish the one item wasn't nerfed. Hindsight is 20/20 though, since before this there weren't random table rolls for loot, so balancing items made sense. In an age where people can roll luckblades with three wishes and other craziness the nerf to the item feels weak, since other people have 100% functional copies from a loot table roll. That said the item is still sweet, and you can't fault a good adventure due to now antiquated procedures.
A skill check adventure, that if you as the DM can engage the players to make it interesting is super good. Dinosaur racing, how can that be bad?
The best of the tier 1 trilogy. There are puzzles, and the concept of the module is very good. Players can attack it any way they want, and I always appreciate any adventure that builds in the threat of time, so players don't feel safe resting continously. Here they are threatened if they take to long, and that apprehention makes something as simple as resting feel tense and interesting.
I would rate it 5 if this was a 4 hour. At 2 hours it feels a fight or puzzle or two too short. At least people are left wanting more though.
Overall a pretty decent 3 hour adventure billed as a 2 hour, this season's m.o.
There are however continuity problems with one of the NPCs in this. It's jarring enough that this and the previous module are being rated down so that in the future better coordination happens among authors writing a multi-part series. It feels like two authors couldn't be bothered to communicate with each other. I don't think it was malicious by the authors, but a symptom of a larger problem.
A very quick and easy module.
There is continuity problems with one of the NPCs in this. It's jarring enough that this and the next module are being rated down so that in the future better coordination happens among authors writing a multi-part series. It feels like two authors couldn't be bothered to communicate with each other. I don't think it was malicious by the authors, but a symptom of a larger problem.
Hey it's that same npc we already saw from the guild adept content (just a little reskinned and less interesting).
Another 2 hour for adventuer's league that is honestly a 3 hour, but instead lets hose Player/DM rewards.
The last fight is a bit easier than it needs to be as well. I would have preferred a 4 hour in this slot, since it would have taken almost the same amount of time to run, and 4 hours tend to have more teeth as it comes to encounters.
The twist in this one is absolutely amazing, and once the players figure it out, which isn't a given they get it before you finish the first box text (which is rare imo) it will make their day.
The only negative I have to say is that all of this Season's modules being really long for a 2 hour spot is frustrating for player rewards for AL. This module however makes up for it with how cool it is.
Thematic and flavorful, and very easy to run, if a little quick. A good module to run during the Holiday.
A good purchase, and a good offering to your AL table. Price is very good, and provides similar quality to those that are officially published by WotC.