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10,000 Cyberpunk Missions
Publisher: Lee's Lists
by Saif A. E. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/20/2021 05:11:40

It is what it says it is. A 100x100 table with a well defined target in a certain place. The word "infilitrate" suggests it has to be difficult. The options are creative and fun.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
10,000 Cyberpunk Missions
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GM'S COOKBOOK: Modern Events #1
Publisher: Big Finger Games
by Saif A. E. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/20/2021 05:03:52

Collection of ideas of things that can happen around the characters on their way to something important. Can introduce danger of de-railing, although many of them are non-relevant or there's nothing to do about it. On their own, they don't offer much value in my opinion, but a creative GM could translate it in something relevant to set the tone of the world. Like a Street Race nearby, it can either de-rail or do nothing. Also it could be valuable when the GM introduces important factions or someone known to the players into such race. But on it's own, it opens more questions for the GM to answer, than to help him add value to a current game. I give 3.5 stars for the reminder of adding "things that are happening around us", but hard to use out of the box.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
GM'S COOKBOOK: Modern Events #1
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Cyborgization and Virtual Worlds: Portals to Altered Reality
Publisher: Mnemoclave
by Saif A. E. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/20/2021 04:53:40

Just like the other books of this author. University or higher level of research into the future. Infinite amount of value for a well designed RPG Campaign or writing a novel.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cyborgization and Virtual Worlds: Portals to Altered Reality
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Posthuman Cyberware: Blurring the Boundaries of Mind, Body, and Computer
Publisher: Mnemoclave
by Saif A. E. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/20/2021 04:52:26

This is university class research on a potential cyberpunk future. For the purposes of RPG of writing, an infinite amount of value for designing deep well-thought worlds.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Posthuman Cyberware: Blurring the Boundaries of Mind, Body, and Computer
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Fire Starters: 10 Adventure Seeds to Spark Your Cyberpunk Campaign
Publisher: Accessible Games
by Saif A. E. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/20/2021 04:50:10

This is good stuff, the structure of the seeds are useful for one alone to create his own following this design. However some of the ideas are a bit lazy. Can't share much but the complication of one of the seeds is that players will be tempted to drink or gamble (just because the mission is fit on a casino).

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Fire Starters: 10 Adventure Seeds to Spark Your Cyberpunk Campaign
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Thanks for the feedback. I am glad you enjoyed it overall.
Sci-Fi Facility Generator
Publisher: dicegeeks
by Saif A. E. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/20/2021 04:44:38

Ok for one buck. But out of the 7 pages, only 3 are random tables. The planetary and asteroid stuff is unfortunately useless. It is way too shallow and very few options (3 to 5 options?). The value is the Facility purpose, the current status of the facility and the malfunctions. The rest can be disregarded.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Sci-Fi Facility Generator
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The Book of Random Tables: Cyberpunk
Publisher: dicegeeks
by Saif A. E. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/20/2021 04:34:53

Its OK, the big downside: I know the description mentions it, but... names take way too much of the book. 25 Pages for names, more than half of the book. There are random generators online for free. So unless you get too much stuck at coming up with names of people and corporations, and online sources are not sufficient, you may find this useful, I guess.

Stuff to find in places is just "ok", some of them give cool ideas, others are mostly fluff, the rest are not even Cyberpunk but rather modern, like a candy bar or Toothpaste. The rumors and encounters are good, most of them can serve as plot hooks.

The best: Failed hacking attempt side-effects and failure in cybernetic implants is the gem of this. For this the product is rescued.

Conclusion: I wish it had more useful stuff, like cyberpunk traps, weird technology, video feeds, security level of a building, camera set ups, drones, etc. I don't recommend it for 3 bucks but the hacking and cybernetic failures are great. Otherwise, really little of Cyberpunk, since you can find "Sunglasses" or a "Vodka Bottle" in any modern setting and there is nothing Cyberpunk on that. The items to find on a "Streetdoc" don't have anything Cyberpunk either, just rather modern clinical stuff like a pair of gloves, a smartwatch (??) or antibiotics. I was wondering whether it could have Cybernetic implant installation stuff, or future medicine stuff, remainders of implants, bioware, etc.

Maybe the author is not really into Cyberpunk? Where is the virtual reality or augmented reality stuff? :)

[3 of 5 Stars!]
The Book of Random Tables: Cyberpunk
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The Prepless GM
Publisher: drag-n-drop games
by Saif A. E. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/05/2020 06:13:42

This book is very well layed out and written, concise and to the point. As opposed to other books for GMs I read which are full of idioms and babbling around "to show their improvisation power", each chapter here instead tackles a very precise point with short concrete examples and techniques.

In terms of the content, I really liked the approach of creativity, randomness and lower expectations, while making the characters the center of the story and even tips and strategies for dealing with different kind of players.

Of course, the subject of the book is VERY MUCH oriented to the "Collaborative" style of roleplaying and full improvisation, which may not always be the case (it works really well for FATE system), since sometimes GMs may want to tell a story, rather than building it together with their players. But, regardless of this approach, many of these techniques are helpful anyways because no matter how well and complete preparation is, improvisation is a must and engaging the players so they don't pick up their phones is essential.

I came to read this precisely because I was having an issue of "tunneling" the story and a feeling of me as GM talking and taking as much or even more protagonism than the players have. So I will definitely take the tips provided here (though without allowing players to define what a building looks like). The methods provided are good ideas but definitely the methods depend on each GM to find what method works best.

Really like the quotes of real authors and would have loved more quotes and more citations of how story tellers approach their plotting strategies. It gives a sense of the author knowing the topic very well.

I am amazed to those approach which also avoid the players unhappy or failing on random encounters, and strategies into making everyone engaged, by introducing approaches for riddles, puzzles, plot-making and drama.

There are two things that I didn't really like, but I won't lower the score because of them: 1- There is one specific chapter that adds absolutely nothing, while instead giving a link into a store for buying content (I totally understand we make for a living, but this was too obvious :) 2- The examples are mostly fantasy and horror, although very concrete, it would be great to delve more into different genres and themes, and how to approach them differently. A layout for skippable-but-more examples would have been great to see more into how the author thinks and approaches problem solving situations

PS. I would absolutely love an expanded edition of this book and definitely learn more :)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Prepless GM
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