For 80 cents you not only get two sentences long plot ideas for Urban Fantasy, but also they come packed with concrete names of creatures, monsters and myths from real lore. One could investigate further the mythological names and expand upon these ideas very easily, as inspiration.
The book is basically just a list of 101 one line vague plot posibilities. If the concepts were expanded on at all, the book would have some value to a storyteller. I would recommend an update to expand each of the plot ideas into a two or three paragraph synposis. Without some modification to the orginal product, i wouldnt' recomend downloading it.
These are some really great ideas for Storytellers. The only nitpick was the lack of any sort of organization of the ideas, it's a minor concern as there is fodder here for years of gaming. And again, the price makes it worth it several times over.
Precisely what it says on the tin, this product offers 101 plot ideas that range from subtle to severe. Each plor idea is conveyed in one or two sentences, and the hooks are brilliant! Well worth the price of admission!