There are different ways to configure DMsGuild products when adding them to Roll20; products can show up as a full on Compendium option, just like major releases in Roll20. This paticular book shows up as an Add On, whcih means:
a) this content doesn't show up in your Roll20 Compendium.
b) You must add this content to your games manually, by using the Add On feature on your game's opening page.
c) the content will show up in your Game's Journal, which means that searching for this content is seriously wonky.
d) The tokens in the Journal do have clickable stat block sheets, but their token menu bubbles are not set up.
This was my first VTT purchase on DMsGuild, and it was disapointing. The art and the statblocks are really good, and the stats are nice to have, but this isn't much more than what I have been getting using Token Stamp and manually entering creatures into Roll20 as needed. It's good as a bundle upgrade if you already have the PDF, but I can't reccomend it as a stand alone purchase.
These are excellent maps, well documents, with a focus on Light of Xarxis, but has enough pieces and optiosn supplement most any Spelljammer Campaign. Very useful for VTT work too.
Ordered this as part of my search for tarot boosters, such as are used for so called 'magpie' tarot decks, and also after seeing the beautiful artwork of the Page of Swords from this set that was incorprated into the Alleyman Tarot kickstarter. This product is a collection of cleverly designed cards consisting of a 14 card minor arcana suite of Eggs, with several alternates, and a collection of alternate major arcana cards. The art is bright and evocative, and the ideas behind each card are clever and thought provoking. They are cut to a standard 2.75 x 4.75 inches in size, but the cardstock used is as thin as I've seen; they will tear, i found by testing the cover card, but it takes more force than what i give my decks normally. The cards have a somewhat textured feel that is visually noticable- they are more matte than glossy. And it should be noted that the card backs are not all aligned- most have one or two thin white bars along the edges in varying places. The card fronts also have a varying frame, but it doesn't affect the artwork in any noticable way. There is no real guidance included for divination, but the cards are certinaly evocotive enough to express themselves as needed in readings.
For those looking to enhance or or change out cards in their tarots, this is an excellent set to start with. The physical material & its texture may not be for all, but they feel like they should last long and well, with care.
a good update / continuation of the Maztica setting, bringing up to 5e spec and current Forgotten Realms date. has a detailed history, good regioanl guide, races, classes and spells for thier magics. its a bit thin on momsters and items, but has some good hooks for adventures. These issues are addressed in alt supplemntes. its a very good book if you want to adventure someplace very different
I got this book as part of the big Black Lives Matter bundle currently available- lots of good stuff for an excellent cause. As for this particular book, well: if you get strident when discussing whether or not orcs have 'piggish' snouts, then this probably won’t be your cup of tea. For most others though, there are some very interesting ideas here worth looking into that can enrich both your characters & NPCs.
The book starts by delving into the deep historical and cultural (as well as racial) roots of the race designations in the worlds most favorite RPG, pointing out its inflexible and arbitrary limitations. Most of the book discusses how to split the current racial designations into parts that relate to physical characteristics, and parts that can be looked at as being culturally or environmentally rooted. Bifurcating the two gives characters more flexibility in design and in characterization: a halfling raised by orcs, or a human with some dwarfish ancestry has a different outlook and abilities than the out of the box models. The example list they give os broad, but incomplete; the methodology they use is explained clearly enough that it can applied to most any race in 5e with little work. All of this fits well on the current 5e without much fuss; it’s individually optional as needed to suit.
Overall I like the design and feel, and the options are worthy to consider for those players or NPC that are looking for a bit more depth or complexity. Recommended.
The book overall is essentially a thorough consolidation of scattered descriptions and resources from all over, and it does this work admirably, with a gorgous map, extensive deliniation of locales & characters, and lots of new material added, including site specific class options, custom magic items, and even locale specific creatures. i well liked it overall, but i wasn't completely satisified: there is a clever system of tables for creating parts around Candlekeep, but they are a bit short - i'd prefer more of these or longer tables. Some described locales had complex descriptions and could have used more art or encounter maps (or both). There is enough seemingly to make a supplement for the supplement.
These are minor quibles, and if i could rate it at 4,5 or higher, i would- its just not quite perfect. If your campaign has anything to do with Candlekeep or with library cities, i would wholeheartedly reccomend this book highly.
It's very OSR in a gonzo sort of way, but the ideas and inspiration flow fast and strong. Highly reccomended for most any underground fantasy venue- it will keep your players on their toes.
Very well structured, fairly detailed without being too riding, this is an excellent setting for use by GMs who want something strange without going gonzo- the city is laid out with good details, as well as connections to history and the world about- while intended for 13th age, it can be made to fit most any campaign or FRPG I know of without great effort.This may well be my next 5e campaign. Highly recommended
An excellent resource, well detailed, with a lot of good locations, challenges, and a very extensive menagerie of new beasts. i would love a treamnt like this for more of the outer planes, tho i fret at how feasible that would be.there is deep push woven through the work extolling thier supplement about epic tier of play (21-30), but they take pains to point out it is optional. I also appreciate their asking for feedback, but the surveys themeselves are rather extensive.
If you've worn out your welcome in the Hells, come se how the somewhat more lawful side lives.
A well thought out OSR look at life at the edge of the big ice- its lovingly crafted, with supplementary info on adding some old school eldritch horror and magic to your taste. The core is very kin to DnD style systems, and the magic system is decidedly Vancian - my only grief was the lack of a shamanic/priest /spiritual system to supplement the proto mage part. Highly recommended for all it does have though.
This is an excellent review of the adventure with good insight into the flow and how to play. Highly reccomended.
An amazing, well detailed setting that is rich with adventure and possibility. Highly reccomended
A well balanced and detailed look at role playing in the Pleistocene; its nicely illustrated and touches on most aspects of how to live right after the ice the magic system is complementery and looks well into shamanism and sorcery. Character roles are a bit sexist by modern standards- their are female witches and seductresses but not male equivilents. Then again, the cultural structures are patriarchal by defualt - par for the course. You can roll your own, of course, and it will still work well. There are no gonzo Atlantean colonists on the shore or long gone lizard / beetle civilizations below the ground, and thats fine. Theres a lot to see and do as is.
A simple and straightforward treatment, hits the good themes, and gives good advice on expansion i iliked it
An excellent collection of story seeds set in Waterdeep; easy to use to reward, vex, or otherwise enteratin your party