The Glass-Maker's Dragon, along with its system, simply put, chaged my worldview on RPGs as a whole. I cannot stress enough how much I love this campaign's premise, its setting, and most of all, its characters.
Before Chuubo's, I was leery about using premades. Most pre-rolled characters I'd come across in the past had been almost entirely blank slates, or just the opposite-- coming with a whole story of their own, but not being interesting enough to hold my attention. The eight major characters and their playbooks included in The Glass-Maker's Dragon are without a doubt some of the most fun personalities I've read in all of literature, let alone in the narrow realm of pre-rolled tabletop RPGs. From Leonardo de Montreal's over-the-top histrionics to Seizhi Schwan's deeply relatable anxieties about having a purpose to fulfill (or a lack thereof), the characters are really what make this campaign what it is: a truly unforgettable experience.
tl;dr: title promises dragons, delivers an interactive heartfelt coming-of-age narrative (and dragons). Thank you for this absolute gift of a campaign, Dr. Moran. To everyone waffling on whether they want to try this premade campaign: do it! I promise you won't regret it!
Let these characters take you on a journey with them.