Heart of the game/setting: 4/5, PDF presentation 3/5, 2/5 for the price (12.47€).
- A really gritty system and very simple and narrative.
- An immersive setting.
- Beautiful arts
- Enought page, 90p is a good deal to play as soon as you want.
- Content to play long campaign!
- The price is very high to get a 90 pages'pdf
- The lo-res image make this pdf very cheap.
- The fact that NPC's stat blocks are lo-res pictures... (it's not profesionnal)
- It's not a professionnal layout to me, it's too expansive for that, a 5€ pdf justified this.
- No links to point is the section in the summary!
So, the game it's a very good deal when i take it (it was for sale at 3€), but today it's too expansive.
Otherwise, if you bet more on the content than the "skin", you may be very attract by this very sinfulf, gritty and dark world of Ossura!