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Klingon Armada Unity
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Klingon Armada Unity
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Klingon Armada Unity
Publisher: Amarillo Design Bureau
by Edward H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/21/2021 22:24:41

My 13 year old son and I have played this after first introducing him to Star Fleet Battles. We had a great time, had 5 ships vs 6, and were done in about 4 hours including looking up a lof of rules for our first play. I feel the time will cut in half moving forward.

The rules are elegant, if a little confusing until you play it through for a couple of rounds. The ability to play multiple ships is really fun, and the movement turned out to make the game a lot more fun by adding strategy and uncertainty.

Great time!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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