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100 Oddities for a Hung Stocking $0.99
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100 Oddities for a Hung Stocking
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100 Oddities for a Hung Stocking
Publisher: Skirmisher Publishing
by Jason A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/16/2017 22:53:27

Lol, I have no idea how to use this in my current campaign, but had to get it anyway. I enjoy these 100 oddities series both for their wit and creativity, and this one is just right for the season. The treats included in this chart are clever reinventions of things you might see around a fantasy yule tree, in a wooden shoe, or in the sack of a slain red-hatted, chimney dwelling demon. Possible use that I came up with while writing this, have your PCs give gifts to each other secretly rolling on this chart to see what they give to each other and make them validate the choice of the gift giving, especially if they rolled 00.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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