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Micro Maze 02: Rival Turf (Solo Game) $1.50
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Micro Maze 02: Rival Turf (Solo Game)
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Micro Maze 02: Rival Turf (Solo Game)
Publisher: Fishwife Games
by Robert N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/17/2018 13:35:02

Very cool solo game based on one of my favorite movies: The Warriors. The mechanics of the Micro-Maze Adventures are similar from game to game with different "skins" based on genre. I usually play these while watching a football game. I only give it 4 stars because on its own it may be a little too simplistic depending on your tastes, but still makes for a fun hour or so of game time, rolling dice. Not a bad bargain given the price (buy the bundle). The associated music track is cool but sounds a little too modern than the late 70s or 80s John Carpenter-like music I would prefer to be in my head while playing this game.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thank you very much for your detailed review! I will admit that there is quite a bit of a difficulty curve between 02: Rival Turf and the next one in the series. I am planning to do many more of these if interest continues and will be playing around with a wide variety of different mechanics here and there. You are indeed correct about the "skins" concept... though I do try to throw in new mechanics here and there, especially when they add greater depth to a certain theme, the general play is the same... hopefully one day someone will coin a decent name for the whole symbol filled maze format I've been messing around with. One of my inspirations, in fact, when I started creating games like these were pinball tables. I've said the same thing... underneath the lights, sounds, and graphics the machines are more or less the same- minus or added a ramp here, a few neat mechanic props there, etc. I decided to see if I could do the same with the maze games. Essentially have the maze, complete with symbols (and corresponding charts), take on the role that a Game Master or a computer would have- set up the path and flow of the adventure. Right now there's one fantasy, one 70s/80s Bronx style gang theme (this one of course), and two post apocalypse... I did the two in the row because post apocalypse things sell well for me and also I had the whole idea of the Atomic Bard stuck in my head and couldn't focus on anything else until I got it out. I am hoping to do many, many more themes- including weird but cool stuff, the kind of stories and such that would be great for a one shot adventure game (as these mazes provide) but not really something that would be done as an ongoing role playing game. I'm also tinkering around with revisiting some of the names of the music tracks I made for Fishwife Games back in the day and turn them into realized adventures... this also was the reason that there was Rival Turf- the maze game and Rival Turf- the music track (the music track actually came out a number of years earlier- but yes, I admit its not entirely the same feel). Please feel free to let me know if there's a particular genre or setting that you would like to see transformed into one of these micro-maze adventures.
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