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Dyson Logos' Fifth Edition Character Sheets
Publisher: ZERObarrier
by Joseph W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/11/2020 20:34:01

Flavor is an obvious highlight of this sheet, but the utility is as well. The decorative inkwork is atmospherically suggestive and visually interesting while remanaging entry spaces so that class, race, feat details, and character crest/portrait can all fit on one side, which is more than the official sheets do! The unlabeled big boxes can be filled largely as one likes, though a few side boxes for currency and modifiers suggest which ones were meant for attacks and inventory (and one can see this comparing this to the official sheets as well). Multiple versions of the sheet are provided, all in form-fillable and simple printable versions; you can choose between (X) handwritten or (Y) printed lettering, or (A) skills and saves divided by ability score or (B) alphabetized skills and save proficiency boxes next to your ability scores, for example. I've used them in two groups and a few campaigns already, and haven't felt anything missing from them. If Dyson Logos makes more sheets themed for a science-fantasy or a yōkai Japan campaign; I may buy those, too!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dyson Logos' Fifth Edition Character Sheets
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The Amber Monolith (Numenera Fiction)
Publisher: Monte Cook Games
by Joseph W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/27/2014 03:07:59

Though not sophisticated allegory or cerebrally ambitious literature, this short fiction is oozing with setting flavor from the world of Numenera and piqued my interest in playing in that RPG's dire world of alien weather, vulnerable (yet resourceful) protagonists, and perplexing creatures, one reminiscent of the weird fiction of Clark Ashton Smith. It was a fun jaunt.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Amber Monolith (Numenera Fiction)
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Black Powder Weaponry (PFRPG) Preview
Publisher: LPJ Design
by Joseph W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/03/2012 03:28:40

Beautiful artwork (especially the cover) with a small equipment chapter's worth of the titular weapons' stats, accompanied by song lyrics appropriate to the setting.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Black Powder Weaponry (PFRPG) Preview
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Frozen Wind (PFRPG)
Publisher: Rite Publishing
by Joseph W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/25/2011 06:12:07

The art is generally pretty. There is an albeit pleasant picture of a Chinese garden house in there amid all the Japanese stuff, for anyone who cares about cultural authenticity.

The background story's identity twist is no surprise for those with elementary knowledge of youkai. It would be the equivalent of suspecting that a European kingdom's custom of sacrificing virgins at a cave mouth involved (surprise, surprise!) a dragon. That said, the twist isn't a requisite for fun.

In many Japanese ghost stories, the hauntings are the result of a previous tragedy, a woman wronged, a love never fulfilled, etc, two of the most iconic being "Yotsuya Kaidan" and "Banchou Sarayashiki." Some are instead monster stories of careless tricksters (tanuki, kitsune, noppera-bou) or people turned killers through obsession (“the Goblin of Adachigahara”). My point is that this adventure's themes of otherwise motiveless demonic power-lust and a monolithic "the forces of Jigoku" attempting to war with kami and humanity feels extremely "Devils vs Heaven" Christian Medieval European and "evil-cult-story" D&D in outlook and behavior, not like a Buddhist/Confucian/Shinto Japanese ghost story at all. Culture is in world-perspective and its resulting behavior, not in surface paint over the same old game.

For those who don't care what culture it is as long as it's fun, it's a standard find-and-defeat-the-pillagers'-boss scenario, but there's something of a countdown: things get worse the longer the party takes, adding some fun urgency. There is an appreciated chart included to track this.

I found the pregenerated character "Special Missions" the most interesting. Exploring is what solves them. Each one is different, some overlap, and two, though not opposed to each other, imply 2 player characters may secretly work for opposed powers. All readily suggest ideas for further adventures. This format of having a shared danger with each player character on a personal mission tangential to it promises some much-desired drama, intrigue, and future story hooks. I hope to see it in more adventures, maybe even as the focal tension.

Liked: Character Special Missions, the fact that the set changes as time progresses Disliked: The monsters' motivations and plot behavior felt very European, not Japanese.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Frozen Wind (PFRPG)
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