Flavor is an obvious highlight of this sheet, but the utility is as well. The decorative inkwork is atmospherically suggestive and visually interesting while remanaging entry spaces so that class, race, feat details, and character crest/portrait can all fit on one side, which is more than the official sheets do! The unlabeled big boxes can be filled largely as one likes, though a few side boxes for currency and modifiers suggest which ones were meant for attacks and inventory (and one can see this comparing this to the official sheets as well). Multiple versions of the sheet are provided, all in form-fillable and simple printable versions; you can choose between (X) handwritten or (Y) printed lettering, or (A) skills and saves divided by ability score or (B) alphabetized skills and save proficiency boxes next to your ability scores, for example. I've used them in two groups and a few campaigns already, and haven't felt anything missing from them. If Dyson Logos makes more sheets themed for a science-fantasy or a yōkai Japan campaign; I may buy those, too!