48 images. Lots of weird undeads. I had hoped for more from the Monster Manual. A couple of the images look mislabeled, like the tentaclewizard that looks very much like a mindflayer.
48 images. Lots of weird undeads. I had hoped for more from the Monster Manual. A couple of the images look mislabeled, like the necroeagle that looks very much like a hook horror.
65 images. Lots of weird undeads. I had hoped for more from the Monster Manual.
26 images. Lots of weird undeads, I expected more skeletons, zombies and ghosts.
This pack contains 121 images ranging from normal ogres to weird clay creatures. The quality of the images varies alot. Most is high resolution digital images but a few are very small/ low resolution. I expected more humans and humanoids
This pack contains 106 images ranging from normal lizardfolk to weird tentacly monsters. The quality of the images varies alot. Most is high resolution digital images but a few looks like fuzzy low res scans. I expected more humans and humanoids
There are 25 images in this pack. I expected more of the humanoids from the Monste Manual to be in this pack. Most of the images are of humanoids I have never seen before.
If you are looking for images of a tiger, a pack of wolves, a polar bear or a shark or another mondane animal or dinosaur, don't get this pack, these are very weird creatures. I was expecting some great art for animals and dinosaurs and beasts from the Monster Manual.
- free !
- 32 images in tiff format
- None of these monsters are in the 5e Monster Manual
- These are strange and weird demons, - I have never used any of them as a DM nor have I encountered them as a player.
- 13 images
- high quality
- strange fiends.
- None of them are in the 5e Monster Manual.
Please note that the images are in tiff format and not JPG or PNG.
- Some of the images are very small/low resolution
- I'd like to see more images of groups fighting various monsters
- Free!
- 25 high quality images
- These are weird monsters, only one of them appears in the Monster Manual.
- I have been playing D&D for 25+ years and I recognise only 5 of them.
- The quality of the images varies a lot.
- Ony three of the images are dungeons.
- Free!
- excellent art
- 70 images
- map of waterdeep
- many of the maps are weird
- Free!
- 22 maps in a multitude of different styles
- I am missing a standard inn and a small town
- except for two it is all underground, caves and dungeons.