I recently purchased your 5e Word template product, and wow, it's impressive. I can't believe you were able to configure Word in such a way. It really looks awesome - and comes close to InDesign templates in terms of what it can really do. Congrats on it!
I really enjoyed this product. It’s something that I felt was missing from Baldur’s Gate: Descent to Avernus, both in terms of that official D&D adventure and among the attendant Guild Adept titles. The latter does have products featuring encounters in Avernus and Elturel, but nothing similar for Baldur’s Gate itself. This nicely fills that gap. I also very much appreciated how it based several of its encounters using the lore mentioned in the Baldur’s Gate Gazetteer from BG:DiA.
In terms of quality, it’s product that feels like it has the production value and overall look of a Guild Adept title. I also really enjoyed the Tension Meter – a novel mechanic that can thematically inform what types of encounters might take place in the city, based on the actions of the characters. This would be especially useful, I think, for a whole campaign that takes place in Baldur’s Gate, as opposed to BG:DiA, in which the heroes finish their adventure in the city relatively quickly in order to journey to Avernus. Anyways, overall, another excellent DM’s Guild product.
Creator Reply: |
Thank you for your kind words, David! We're really glad you enjoyed our product. The tension meter mechanic was a lot of fun to explore. |
I really love this product. It's a great looking publication, and the content inside is equally as good. I especially enjoyed the first adventure, The Hand of Nessus, which I think is on par with the beginning of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist. In some respects, I prefer it. The other chapters of this product are equally as good. I also think that the product as a whole really gives some actualy replayability to W:DH. Highly recommend.
This is a great product. Lots of ideas that I plan on using when my players eventually make itt (hopefully!) to Avernus. I especially like their breakdown of the nature of the Path of Demons versus Path of Devils, and their timeline breakdown on how long the journey should take. Highly recommend
This resource is filled with great ideas, and I've already started using some at the start of the campaign. Highly recommend.
First and foremost, this is a very beautifully done publication. It's one of the most professional publications that I've seen the Guild, with a great use of images and colour schemes to reflect themes and chapter content. And the cover image in particular is really top-notch.
It's also a very professional publication when it comes to the writing and editing. I also really enjoyed the purpose of this adventure, especially when it comes to Descent into Avernus - as that adventure lacks a hook that really makes characters care about Elturel. This adventure helps fill that gap.
I do wish the adventure was a bit longer - that it showed the journey to Baldur's Gate and how the characters might have gotten through the gate. But that's my own personal preference. And it would certainly make for a longer than 2-hour session. As is, the adventure is very nicely done.
Overall, when it comes to its writing, professional look and feel, and how carefully tied in it is to Descent into Avernus, I first thought that this might have been a Guild Adept product.
DM's Guild products are getting increasingly professional-looking, and its publications like this one - and others (e.g., Uncaged) - that have really spearheaded that trend.
Creator Reply: |
Thank you for taking the time to leave a review, it means a lot to us! |
This is a cool adventure. The cover is eye catching, and the interior is very professionally presented. The use of a dramatis personae of key characters early on is a nice addition - especially since this is Chp 2 of a broader work, so it gives a good rundown of the key players, broader context, etc. While technically Chp 2, I don't see the first chapter being absolutely necessary to running this adventure, though it's additional detail could make it even more enjoyable. Overall, a very solid adventure with a wide range of locales and encounters.
I've only had a chance to peruse this product, but wanted to provide some initial thoughts on it. First, it's a nicely put together document. Second, it's one of the more interesting DMs Guild supplements that I've come across, especially since diseases are not something that is covered in much depth in official materials.
Third, I thought the diseases themselves were all well done. The realism of these diseases might not be everyone's cup of tea, but I can understand why the authors chose to focus on that fact. I'm hesitant to make many detailed recommendations. One thing I'm unsure about is some of the more modern naming conventions, e.g., Necrophorum, ISTD, especially compared to the other names. Would rename the former to maybe Thrush or Deadly Hove, as I'm unsure the value of calling it by the official name if no one really uses that name.
Anyways, all and all, a very solid product!
A super useful guide, packed full with good ideas. Can't recommend enough.
It's a solid adventure. Has a very different, almost modern (private eye) vibe, with some silliness thrown in, and some very interesting encounters and locations. And the author definitely has a sense of humour. Pretty cool puzzle/puzzle handout too.
It was hit and miss. Some of the images were divided into two for some reason. Didn't find it that useful.
I thought this was an excellent product and an ideal adventure for low-level characters. Also featured an interesting use of the (often overused) goblin.
Creator Reply: |
I appreciate you taking the time to leave a review and glad to hear you enjoyed it. |
Some images here are good. Some are not so great. My big issue with these collections (all the creature DM Guild Creator Resource creature art collections) - the quality varied quite a bit, and some of the images were oddly cropped or cropped to such an extent they were unusable.
Some images here are good. Some are not so great. My big issue with these collections (all the creature DM Guild Creator Resource creature art collections) - the quality varied quite a bit, and some of the images were oddly cropped or cropped to such an extent they were unusable.
Some images here are good. Some are not so great. My big issue with these collections (all the creature DM Guild Creator Resource creature art collections) - the quality varied quite a bit, and some of the images were oddly cropped or cropped to such an extent they were unusable.